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I must confess that avacado does nothing for me (I have tried to like it but failed!) but the salad was very filling and light enough as I really havent done a lot today except walk at a funny angle!
I did have a little cheese as well.

Now feel quite mellow (probably shouldnt have washed the pain killers down with wine!)
Monty! You're supposed to take pain killers with vodka not wine! Just made myself a chicken curry and am full as a full thing.
Ooooo Curry, now there's an idea. I really could eat a Ruby right now.
No top of your prawn salad? I think not.
(01-10-2011, 20:09)SassyAnn Wrote: No top of your prawn salad? I think not.

Why not? It was only an oversized Prawn cocktail Big Grin
I've been trying to be good with my eating habits today, but my son came home unexpectedly this evening and I'm knee high in stock, so we just ordered a curry and naan bread, so it looks like it is curry all round.
The idea of curry is overriding your desire to be the sexy beast you dream of becoming by Christmas.

I'm sure you are a sexy beast already, but you have mentioned it repeatedly!
I've been good today, half a pizza at midday, just kicking back with a rather large single malt.
(01-10-2011, 21:33)SassyAnn Wrote: The idea of curry is overriding your desire to be the sexy beast you dream of becoming by Christmas.

I'm sure you are a sexy beast already, but you have mentioned it repeatedly!

Have I??? OMG I had better shut up - clearly I am talking bollocks!
I could be mistaken, the vodka is taking a toll. I thought you looked gorgeous just as you are in the photo you sent. Phwoar!

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