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Thread ratings
Are thread ratings a waste of space?
It appears they are either all rated at 5 or 0.

However, I posted a thread about my tour and someone rated it 1, which is a bit odd. It's just information after all. I rated it 5 and it's now gone to 3 - but why would we have a rating on an information thread? It seems a little mean to rate something like that as 1!

Would it be better to eliminate thread ratings? I don't know about anyone else but I read them all anyway, or do a search if I'm looking for something in particular.
i never go by thread ratings either think they are pretty pointless
It just seemed a bit small-minded of however did it, they rated my tour thread and Chloe/Bibi's thread as 1 and your's and Kate's at 5. Why would someone do that? It's strange. It's not like we're asking an opinion on anything, just giving information.

Does it sound as though I'm irritated? Well, whoever it was has managed to ruffle my normally calm exterior! It's so petty-minded. They might be a fan of your's and Kate's but why diss the other threads?
I shouldn't care really, as I doubt any Irish clients look at this forum anyway..... but Chloe/Bibi might get Scottish clients looking.
I'm going flounce off on my high-horse now!
I don't have a clue who voted them or if they are fans etc, but we can't really assume it is the same person and who ever it is, may just be ranking it by how useful it is to them by location, ie, they might be closer to me or lolo and consider it a possibility but as you say if they are not in N,Irleand it's useful to know, but not of any help to them and they might be trying to hint that you need to get closer.

Of course it would be far better than they just type in, oi Ann come to my neck of the woods, than be a bit obtuse with the rankings.

With regards to bibi, she needs to come on here more so the guys can get to know her. They might think it is fairy interesting to know she is doing something, but not sure if they want to meet her, as they don't know who she is. We need more bibi on here!!!

I'm with you both though, they are pretty pointless and I tend to click on 5 stars if I see a thread has had a good response, as people are obviously enjoying it, otherwise it's rare that I go straight for the stars.
Ann, maybe it was someone who wanted you to tour near them bu you haven't and Kate and Lolo have!
If I find a thread interesting I sometimes give it 5 stars if not I don't bother

So MrS and Kate would vote something a 5 star, which I understand, but why bother posting something as 1? Especially when it is just information.

If whoever did it fancied PMing me and explaining why they did it ie. if they want me or Chloe/Bibi to get closer to them, then great. Otherwise, what's the point - it's just hurtful and comes across as spiteful.

I am going to attempt not to comment any further on this, as I am apparently still flouncing!
flounce away, it's not like I don't flounce when I'm in the mood. I do understand your point. I did wonder myself who had done it, but I think it is a bit weird that you can rate your own thread too. I mean if you had got there first it would have been a 5 and no one would have been any the wiser, so in actual fact they mean nothing.
I know what you mean! People make personal insults in the same way that mean spirited folk like to leave a crappy rating - to appease their dark side which can never be fully sated.
the other thing it could be, is whatever platform the user is using at the time, ie desktop, laptop, notebook, iphone, android, blackeberry, ipod

i tried to give the wee thread a 5 rating from my ipod it has showed up as 2 instead, so it could be a genuine mistake
I never knew you could rate a thread but I did wonder why some got five stars and others had none
It is not something I would do, and it does appear to be a bit mean to put someone down by taking away there stars

I take no notice of the thread rating as they always appear like Ann said 5 or 0
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