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Boundaries between Escorts and clients
Is it not the point that both parties know that there is a paid transaction for sexual services. And the vast majority of the time that is the end of any relationship. But occasionally both parties find they like chatting together and can create a friendship and there can be an element of trust and mutual enjoyment from this. But this does not impact on the initail sexual relationship which is driven by the money/sex equation.

I confess i have had a paid sexual relationship with a couple of women who i would also class as friends and who have been kind enough to support me emotionally when i have needed it. In truth I do find sex in these circumstances is more enjoyable and there is a greater openess and confidence in one another. But that does not mean that the nature of the relationship (the paid nature) should be forgotten or blurred. It is still what it is - but i understand how on occasions some guys may forget this.

everyones boundaries are different I meet a few ladies for a chat and a coffee. It does change the client escort relationships. I very rarely meet ladies that I am friendly with as escorts now, it was there choice and not mine they did not think they could carry on as escort client relationship as well as being friends away from the money side of things

I have a great time as there friends we still have a great relationship and we still exchange a lot of friendly kisses and other bits. I was a bit upset at first as they were both great ladies but now Ii accept that I am really lucky and know a lot more about these ladies than any client would ever know
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

I don't interact with clients outside of work time unlike other types of people we pay for services from. We do have personal friendships with the plumber and other work oriented trades / services that we pay for and over the years have had them to family parties and been to theirs.

The first problem is the nature of the business, unless you are open to friends, neighbours and relatives about what you do it is hard to have the same type of relationship as above with punters.

Whilst it can work to simply have general chat outside of a work environment, either by phone or msn etc. It is knowing who you can and who is going to turn into a stalker or pain in the arse. even the nicest guys can get the wrong impression from such interaction.

Like everything, if it works for you, great. If not don't do it.
We all need boundaries in some way shape or form but the problem lies when one party doesnt seem to see them.

I have had numerous occasions where I have been asked out even though I tell them that I am married and wear my rings when working(I know some girls do take theres of). They seem to forget they are paying for a service.

I have had to stop seeing some guys because they just tried to push to far one in particular used to insist that I would grow to love him in time used to ask me to tell him I loved him(not happening) and the final push was when he started asking questions about hubbys performance size etc.

Now if he hadnt pushed my boundaries to this extent I would not have had the need to stop his bookings.
(06-09-2011, 12:21)Emily of Halifax Wrote: I have had numerous occasions where I have been asked out even though I tell them that I am married and wear my rings when working(I know some girls do take theres of). They seem to forget they are paying for a service.

I would imagine it would be hard for the punter to get the most from his GFE with a girl wearing a wedding ring. Some guys like to pretend that they are with you in a real life GFE situation.

The ones that just want to enjoy casual sex will not care and the ones that enjoy being with someone else's wife will find it a turn on.

I normally wear mine but if a guy requested that I did not wear it for the time we are together I would go along with it, after all, it's his fantasy.

I should be more observent I honestly do not think I would notice wether a lady had a wedding ring on or not, there are far more interesting bits to enjoy
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

I erroneously moved him from punter to personal when I stopped charging him.

BAD move! Lesson learned - older/wiser/stronger etc!
I like to form some sort of relationship with the escorts I visit if I can, and I would class two of the ladies I know on AW as friends. So what if I pay them!
(08-09-2011, 08:50)Drewan Wrote: I like to form some sort of relationship with the escorts I visit if I can, and I would class two of the ladies I know on AW as friends. So what if I pay them!

That is pretty much where I like my boundaries to lie. It is entirely possible to have a geniune friendship with a client. The problems arise when they try and pressure you into something more or you (the Escort) start to develop feelings for the client.
For me there has to be boundaries as some gentlemen might take the proverbial "piss". I am a service provider in a business even though once the business is out of the way we can get down to the fun. We are here to provide you with that feel good factor during the period you request our time for.

But in saying that I am on "friendly" terms with clients especially my regular gents and for overnights or dinner dates I do provide them with a "special" rate.

The problem is that when a client becomes a friend you have to draw a line, either they are a friend or a paying client. In my private life I would not in a million years consider shagging a friend and the same would go for a client who turns out to be a friend, you can not have it both ways. Either you want to be my friend or my client.

Clients can play very dangerous games and sometimes it can cause a lot of animosity between girls who do not even know each other just because of the say so from a client who might not have gotten his own way.

Hence why I have boundaries and will never cross them.
I used to be snow white but drifted...


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