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attraction in everyday life
right trying to encourage the other sp's to post on here, so no mention relating to punting / escorting or relating to anyone on here or u get bad lolo Dodgy

u could be driving / walking / going about your everyday life, what is it about a lady or guy that will attract u to them

is it something they wear
is it how the smile at u even though u are a stranger
is it how they look

these are just examples
I think most men notice a pert bottom in tight jeans or a glimpse of some unexpected cleavage. Perfume too. I might pass in the aisle of Sainsburys (other supermarkets are available) and I have to look round.

Sometimes and its very rare. I see someone with a natural poise and grace of movement. Its difficult to define, but I become instantly captivated.
I am with david nice bum in a tight pair of jeans or a guy wearing a really smart properly fitted suit
Well I most definitely wouldnt go for a bum in jeans ................. absolutely hate denim. For me it has to be nice eyes, nice bum .......... though not in denim of any kind and a nice lunch box. If he is hersute that helps but you cant always see this if they have themselves covered up.

What turns me OFF is a hairless chest .......
(18-08-2011, 13:12)Emily of Halifax Wrote: I am with david nice bum in a tight pair of jeans or a guy wearing a really smart properly fitted suit

And yes, im definitely with you Emily re the suit ............... and lovely shirt and tie. Just makes me melt. Can you tell Im not into the scruffy look ??
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Well thats knackered me then Lady Lust - I have a pretty much hairless chest.

Shame as I can look great in a suit! (see my piccie on another thread)
(18-08-2011, 16:54)monty69 Wrote: Well thats knackered me then Lady Lust - I have a pretty much hairless chest.

Shame as I can look great in a suit! (see my piccie on another thread)

behave its about people met in your everyday life not anyone on here or escorts punting
In everyday life, height will come first. I'm tall I like boys taller than me. Then it will be hair, proper indie boy hair followed closely by over all image. Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin
Stop Escorting Summer 2013 so Book while you still can!
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(18-08-2011, 16:54)monty69 Wrote: Well thats knackered me then Lady Lust - I have a pretty much hairless chest.

Shame as I can look great in a suit! (see my piccie on another thread)

I'm lower down than you Monty.. hairless chest AND a scruffy bugger! I can make the best tailored suit in the world look like a badly fitting crumpled potato sack within 5 minutes!
(18-08-2011, 17:31)TophatMark Wrote: I'm lower down than you Monty.. hairless chest AND a scruffy bugger! I can make the best tailored suit in the world look like a badly fitting crumpled potato sack within 5 minutes!

oi mark u behave & tell us what u like
Ha ha Mark, nice one!

Ok, I am a terrible perv when out and about. My OH has given up complaining as she knows it gets her nowhere! Chests are usually the first part of the lady that catches my eye, them and a good pair of pins. I do find the goth look very appealing so will immediately look if a goth is walking alont the street (have been caught out on occasion as sometimes it is difficult to tell girl from boy!!!)
Love a peach of a bum and quite often cant help trying to spot a VPL.
Sucker for a pretty face too. Probably the only part of the lady that doesnt immediately attract me would be her feet. Then again, a great pair of shoes or boots will catch my eye so I guess just about any lady will catch my eye in the right circumstances!
As a postscript, if the girl is a chav, then I look away!!!

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