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(19-07-2011, 18:47)sweettalk Wrote:
(19-07-2011, 17:55)monty69 Wrote: Still, he should be able to speak, even if it is a grunt - they are all good at that.

Hahaha Big Grin

that reminds me , I was 15 and started working for solicitor, they made me pick up the phone .... and the client said , its important I need to speak to your boss ( and he was at the toilet ) .....and guess what I said , not making something up ...or any excuse why its not possible to talk to him.........

.............yep , I said he is on the toilet hahahahahhUndecided I can laugh about now ,but it was horrible heheh

lol glo like that
I did a yts as a Secretary when I was 16 and I can still remember today the horrible feeling in the pitt of my stomache of sheer terror at the thought of picking up the phone. Having to try and remember how to introduce myself for the company and then being so scared I'd not be able to write the note down properly or forget what they are saying the moment it past their lips, so the message wouldn't translate right. Seriously I can empathise with the chap. Once you have done it a few times, you wonder what all the nerves were about, but it's not like answering the phone to a mate, their are consequences to getting the message wrong and who wants to be responsible for that?
Hell kate, I have been answering the phone in this job for 14 years - I still get it wrong but I guess I have the maturity to be able to laugh it off with the client (most times)
You are right of course, it is easy to forget that I was once like that - in fact I was very shy as an adolescent and wouldnt say Boo to a goose. Plenty of my friends find that hard to believe today...........
But even if you're shy, it's good manners to pick up a phone if it's ringing - especially if it's your job.
I think I was probably more confident at that age than I am now!
(20-07-2011, 13:16)SassyAnn Wrote: But even if you're shy, it's good manners to pick up a phone if it's ringing - especially if it's your job.
I think I was probably more confident at that age than I am now!

You seem a pretty confident lady to me Ann. I have read your profile and it does indicate you are shy and retiring Big Grin Dont quite know which is right Tongue
I can be shy on the phone, on cam or in person - I'm not particular! I'm fine once I'm relaxed and got to know someone. If someone is nervous though, my better nature overrules my shyness and I try to get them to feel at home and welcome!

Quite odd but in big crowds, clubs etc, I'm not shy and can happily make an exhibition of myself... probably cos I'm having so much fun and don't actually have to speak to anyone!
I've met a few shy people who say the same. A big crowd is less intimidating than an intimate soiree.
Maybe it's self-consciousness?
I wouldnt disagree with you there. I have had to do a few presentations over the years (mainly to do with farming and Co-ops) and the bigger the crowd, the easier it is. Mind you, my favourite was not a presentation but reading the lesson at a Carol Concert when I was Chairman of my local Round Table and that was in front of 1000 people - Awesome!
dont know ann, i hate crowds especially clubs pubs etc, or even if its busy shopping puts me in a very foul mood, cant stand being near anyone who is drunk either
Are you claustrophobic Lolo???

I can be and being in a crowded shopping arcade has to be hell for me. Standing in front of a crowd is fine though.
no monty i just cant be bothered if crowds are near me especially if they try talking to me

lost count the amount of times i fell out with my last company for not socialising

when its comes to sex yes im sociable other than that no way

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