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Moving to Sutton!
Oh Kate, you need to know that I really can be gullible at times!!!

And I doubt I was the only one taken in by it - just probably the only one silly enough to admit it!
That kind of makes you rather sweet, which having described yourself as a brick sh** house is possibly not something you hear very often.

I'm quite tribal about my home. It was the thought of losing my home that led me to Escorting. I would move hell on earth to keep it, least while my son is living with me. When he decides to leave I will consider my options, but for now my motive for a high earning intimate job is because, 'Home is where the heart is'.

I leave here for no one! I leave my son for no one! My son always comes first!

I sometimes wish I was more spontaneous, but it is not something I am accustomed to either, so it would have been way to impulsive for me. I consider and analyse everything.
i really wish more mothers were like us in that way
True lolo but at least we know our boys are looked after and we can't do much more than that x
exactly kate can only advise
(13-07-2011, 16:16)lolo Wrote: i really wish more mothers were like us in that way

Very true, I heard quite a sad thing last month, one of the fathers of a yr6 lad hung himself, just before all the kids were due to come home from school, his eldest son found him. Sad
Then whe talking to one of the mums about it she mentioned that something similar had happened to a boy and girl a couple of yrs back and she thought it was one of the kids in my sons class, I did a bit of digging on the Internet and found that the mum who owed her own business had her 30k overdraft taken away by the bank over night, in the morning she drove to the train line left a note and threw her self in front of a train. It never really twigged why i hadn't seen his mum around at school, her son was just about to start school aged 4.
He is such a nice lad too. I just cannot comprehend leaving my kids, or family in that way.

I'd do anything to sort my family out, parenting is hard work and I'm still only in the early yrs!
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Obviously someone is seriously mentally disturbed if they take their own life. But for someone to hang themselves and know their children will find them is selfish beyond belief.
Likewise I can always understand someone ending their life if they are terminally ill but to do so because of money problems with a bank is pure self indulgence.
Hicky I think that is a little unfair. I agree that it was selfish of the Dad to hang himself knowing that his child may find him and that the lady had things totally out of perspective, but sometimes when you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel and things become all consuming it is difficult to imagine life ever getting better and then you start to see yourself as being the problem and not the problem itself.

I class myself as very lucky that I was blessed with a positive out look on life. When things get really tough I just seem to pick myself up and work twice as hard or find a solution. I have also been very lucky that certain things have happened just at the right time to bail me out of trouble. I can imagine if I were the type to lose heart at the first hurdle things may have been very different.

I can only imagine the utter dispair someone must be feeling to make that decision and hope that it never happens to anyone that I know or care about.
While i don't disagree with you Kate - and i do feel sorry for the woman - at the same time you enter into a unwritten convenent when you have kids that you will do all you can to help and protect them. Jumping in front of a train is a breach of that and her going for her own selfish aims instead of those of her children who would of loved her none the less because her business had gone bust.
What if she had convinced herself that they would be better off without her? Her motive for killing herself could have been in her illogical distress for them and not despite them.

The one that I could not understand was the lady who murdered her two children to spite her ex. Now that goes beyond belief for me.

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