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UK Punting!
(26-08-2015, 12:41)Nova70 Wrote: I'm told I've actually become a bit of a cult figure privately on the site for saying things that wouldn't be allowed on it

That must have been a boost to your ego then... You claim that it is from your posts that information has been removed, are you really that in with the admin's that you are privy to that information?

So why do they only listen to some of your complaints, if the rest of what you say is true?

Surely if you were a member you would be able to have a better effect on the bad side of the site, rather than constantly "policing" from afar.

Why do you not join and contribute in a positive manner to the site? To say that they will ban you, yet then claim that they listen to you is a crazy notion.

There are the correct ways of doing things and i am sure the correct way would be, as a member, reporting something you feel is wrong to the admin team, rather than going on other sites constantly slatting them.

When did you last write a good post about the site? As you say, this post is about UKP good and bad.

Running a busy forum, with as many members, and posts a day as they get, is not easy and takes up a lot of time, maybe you should try it, build a better site / forum for punters that you can admin yourself to help promote better WG / Punter relations. - How amazing would that be?

Sarah x x x
(25-08-2015, 03:05)Nova70 Wrote:
(24-08-2015, 23:49)Chiltern Line Wrote: I still live in hope that James999 will contact me sometime so I can show him proof of my tax return!

So your a victim of Admin/James999 (I giggle like a schoolgirl when I write that) so are you going to tell us this story or what.

I lasted a few weeks, but then somewhat hilariously got banned for 'touting' - basically because I made a sarcastic comment about James999 breaking his punting duck by making a booking with me.

It just wound me up when there was a period when he would pop up every five minutes going on about how none of us paid taxes (I declare every penny, even tips), we were all thick, couldn't organise anything etc. etc. I suspect I am significantly more well qualified than he is.

Overall, there are some decent blokes on there, who do at least point out when the likes of Diehard express their out and out misogyny - how terrible it must be to hate women and yet be forced to pay them to have sex...! Otherwise, I'd say it's like any other online forum: you get the good, the bad, the ugly, the trolls and the fantasists.

I certainly wasn't impressed with the ladies on there who showed male members the warning notes on AW though: that was a pretty shitty thing to do IMO.
(27-08-2015, 00:04)Chiltern Line Wrote: I certainly wasn't impressed with the ladies on there who showed male members the warning notes on AW though: that was a pretty shitty thing to do IMO.

Unfortunately these things happen on both sides of the fence, there is good and bad, nothing we can do about it. people will say one thing publicly and then do another.

Sarah x x x
Half the reviews on UKP there are fake. Many of them can't even string together a sentence. Then there are those (most in fact) who constantly bitch about having to pay £10 extra - its hard to believe such people are clocking up multiple visits a month if £10 is make or break for them.

If Adam was smart he would ban all the guys/pimps with fake reviews - but that would involve purging so many reviews it would make the site a laughing stock.
The site IS a laughing stock - to everyone but its hardcore members. I'm actually really glad they're all gathered there, banging out their inane claptrap day after day, rather than out in the real world where they could be extremely dangerous to women.
(26-08-2015, 13:24)wife4rent Wrote:
(26-08-2015, 12:41)Nova70 Wrote: I'm told I've actually become a bit of a cult figure privately on the site for saying things that wouldn't be allowed on it

That must have been a boost to your ego then... You claim that it is from your posts that information has been removed, are you really that in with the admin's that you are privy to that information?

So why do they only listen to some of your complaints, if the rest of what you say is true?

Surely if you were a member you would be able to have a better effect on the bad side of the site, rather than constantly "policing" from afar.

Why do you not join and contribute in a positive manner to the site? To say that they will ban you, yet then claim that they listen to you is a crazy notion.

There are the correct ways of doing things and i am sure the correct way would be, as a member, reporting something you feel is wrong to the admin team, rather than going on other sites constantly slatting them.

When did you last write a good post about the site? As you say, this post is about UKP good and bad.

Running a busy forum, with as many members, and posts a day as they get, is not easy and takes up a lot of time, maybe you should try it, build a better site / forum for punters that you can admin yourself to help promote better WG / Punter relations. - How amazing would that be?

Sarah x x x

Sarah I've answered all your questions before however I've now been informed about the reasons why UK Punting was dropped by it's first webhost, the reasons include copyright infringement, posts about violence towards wgs and most disturbing of all promotion of child prostitution, these issues were all drawn to the attention of the webhost by people "policing from afar" as you put it, and thank God they did. Now I want to see Simon and comaaminion come back and defend this, gentlemen I'm waiting. I often cringe when I see mentions of a wgs children on the site now you would of thought that given the sites history they would avoid that like the plague, so what's going on ?.

Now we have this issue surrounding Admin/adammanchester and an incident involving him, have you read the adammanchester posts, some of his posts appear to be asking where he can get hidden filming equipment.

The site is not "putting the punter first" it's far to easy to write fake reviews and if anything their making it easier for the punter to get ripped off, I don't think the site will survive anyway because their just repeating the mistakes of the past and pressure will build on their current webhost to drop them too.
(27-08-2015, 13:28)Nova70 Wrote: Now we have this issue surrounding Admin/adammanchester and an incident involving him, have you read the adammanchester posts, some of his posts appear to be asking where he can get hidden filming equipment.

No. we don't have that issue at all, the members of the site do. I don't bother reading the crap and still wonder why you use this site as your sounding board to continually slate them off ratherthan doing something more constructive.

By the way, you keep making the reference of me reading the site when you know I have no interest in doing so, and you wonder why I think "keyboard punters" are idiots?

I have said it before about starting your own "revenge" site, but you don't seem to take the hint, or you realise it would be futile as nobody would listen to you. Unless you invited me to join.

In fact, you remind me of another guy who was a member on here, had it in for UKP, set up his own punter forum which is now dead and forgotten, by the few that actual ever joined.

A sad failing by another complete failure. You may know him...

Sarah x x x

PS My biggest regret has to be getting the guys at UKP to allow people to read the forum posts without joining. You can obviously thank me for that as how would you be able to spy on them?
(27-08-2015, 19:11)wife4rent Wrote:
(27-08-2015, 13:28)Nova70 Wrote: Now we have this issue surrounding Admin/adammanchester and an incident involving him, have you read the adammanchester posts, some of his posts appear to be asking where he can get hidden filming equipment.

No. we don't have that issue at all, the members of the site do. I don't bother reading the crap and still wonder why you use this site as your sounding board to continually slate them off ratherthan doing something more constructive.

By the way, you keep making the reference of me reading the site when you know I have no interest in doing so, and you wonder why I think "keyboard punters" are idiots?

I have said it before about starting your own "revenge" site, but you don't seem to take the hint, or you realise it would be futile as nobody would listen to you. Unless you invited me to join.

In fact, you remind me of another guy who was a member on here, had it in for UKP, set up his own punter forum which is now dead and forgotten, by the few that actual ever joined.

A sad failing by another complete failure. You may know him...

Sarah x x x

PS My biggest regret has to be getting the guys at UKP to allow people to read the forum posts without joining. You can obviously thank me for that as how would you be able to spy on them?

Idiot, knob, egocentric and now complete failure, sticks and stones Sarah sticks and stones.

Funny no piss taking about "policing from afar" because I've pointed out how effectively they were "policed from afar". Perhaps you think the people who alerted their webhost to these things were idiots and knobs too ?.

Revenge ?, since when has telling the truth been revenge, as I keep pointing out of the two of us you are the only one who has been a UK Punting member. I don't spy on the site I read reviews but realise how much fakery/fantasy there is on the site and as a way of alerting other punters I pointed some of that out on here, when we were told they were monitoring this site and getting so upset about people discussing the word prossie I took the piss out of their Punting Wiki, now their Admin got very upset about that and started sending his mushrooms, we'd already had the likes of Ward/DT and then came Simon, comaaminion and others your probably not aware of, I decided that every time they did that I would point out another piece of nonsense on their site.

I think it's a perfectly good use of this thread to warn other punters many of whom will be AW members about how unreliable UK Punting is, there are other threads on here that warn service providers about scams, dodgy groups etc so why can't punters be warned about fake reviews/reviewers.

This is not UK Punting and if they want to the members of that site can and have come to defend it, in my opinion not very successfully but unfortunately the ones who have turned up seem to be a little naive and gullible, perhaps a little more clued up now though.
i think you can clearly see that you are the only person that really cares about what UKP do or do not do.... Which is why you ignore all my suggestions of starting your own punting forum and trying to create something that would actually be of use

By doing so you would be seen to be doing something constructive and at the same time you could have a discussion about the pitfalls of UKP - This would be you doing something constructive...
(19-08-2015, 13:10)Nova70 Wrote: It's not a campaign a protest or even policing
(28-08-2015, 03:53)Nova70 Wrote: ... because I've pointed out how effectively they were "policed from afar"

So is it you policing them or not?

Again it is you saying that they are sending people to defend the site, you seem to have many doubtful conspiracy theories about the site and admins, I really have no idea if they do or not, as I have said before it is very cowardly of YOU to not join the site and protest to them directly

You seek information from the site in the way of punting reviews, information etc.. yet do not join or contribute anything to the site, do you not realise how sad that makes you look when all you wish to do is slag them off?

Sure you may get yourself banned, but then that is likely to happen if you only slag them off and do not contribute anything worthwhile to the site. Surely you should try and help your fellow punters.

I will leave you to have the "last word" and to then rant on your own.

Sarah x x x
(28-08-2015, 10:23)wife4rent Wrote: i think you can clearly see that you are the only person that really cares about what UKP do or do not do.... Which is why you ignore all my suggestions of starting your own punting forum and trying to create something that would actually be of use

By doing so you would be seen to be doing something constructive and at the same time you could have a discussion about the pitfalls of UKP - This would be you doing something constructive...
(19-08-2015, 13:10)Nova70 Wrote: It's not a campaign a protest or even policing
(28-08-2015, 03:53)Nova70 Wrote: ... because I've pointed out how effectively they were "policed from afar"

So is it you policing them or not?

Again it is you saying that they are sending people to defend the site, you seem to have many doubtful conspiracy theories about the site and admins, I really have no idea if they do or not, as I have said before it is very cowardly of YOU to not join the site and protest to them directly

You seek information from the site in the way of punting reviews, information etc.. yet do not join or contribute anything to the site, do you not realise how sad that makes you look when all you wish to do is slag them off?

Sure you may get yourself banned, but then that is likely to happen if you only slag them off and do not contribute anything worthwhile to the site. Surely you should try and help your fellow punters.

I will leave you to have the "last word" and to then rant on your own.

Sarah x x x

Of course I'm aware that I'm the only one concerned about some of the things I read on UK Punting the 150,000 views this thread has got were obviously accidental.

Conspiracy theories, FACT we know that Admin/Adam reads this forum he may even be a member, he gets so upset about people discussing the word prossie that he adds them to his sad little blacklist for being anti-punter, it's not really a great leap of the imagination is it to think that he may encourage some of his members to come here and try and quash criticism of his site.

I don't always read reviews directly from the site some are circulated on other forums as is some of the nonsense stuff you find on UK Punting but that's just intended to give people a giggle, a "how can they possibly believe this" type of thing.

I don't want to be a member and I'm not policing I'm drawing attention, has the information I've given been useful, well yes it has, reviews have been removed some of the members I've mentioned have stopped posting and others are being ignored.

This thread has also been useful to me, until about a week ago I knew nothing about the connection between Admin and this adammanchester from that other forum, I challenge anybody to read the posts of Admin/Adam and not find him more than a little disturbing. Due to my posts on this thread I was contacted by someone a couple of days ago who informed of the reasons why UK Punting was dropped by their first webhost, some very serious issues involved there but of course you think we should ignore them.

The vast majority of UK Punting members are ordinary decent punters who are just looking to give/get honest sound advice about who to see and who to avoid but their Admin is on a revenge mission over this past incident and as a result he's happy for the site to be used by fakers and fantasists, to allow half a dozen reviews for the same wg in one day is ridiculous and clearly leaves the site open to manipulation and allowing fantasists the free run of the site will just encourage more to join up, and how silly does the site look when it fails to ban them even when their exposed such as in the case of the Barrister.

Your the Queen of this forum and I bow to that so have the last word if you wish.

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