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why do punters do this???
I don't understand why punters feel they have the right to look at your profile and make comments about it and come to a conclusion on how they think you are as a person then to mock you and bully you according to what other peoples opinions???

i understand everyone is entitled to their opinion that's how we learn from one another but to do it with out meeting with this person without having made a booking it's wrong and should not be considered as valid information.

PS. and use your razors which i found he did the other day...WTF is that all about??? then i know what would happen if he caught anything i would be blamed.

Messages In This Thread
why do punters do this??? - by Miss Kayla - 22-04-2016, 23:40
RE: why do punters do this??? - by Nova70 - 23-04-2016, 04:57

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