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Please Give What You Can to Laura's Fund
As we know unfortunately there are abolitionists busy at work in every corner of the globe trying to criminalise sex work.

Recent victims of their outrageous attack on people's civil rights include Canada and Northern Ireland soon to be followed by the Republic of Ireland where legislation is in place criminalising clients of sex workers.

Laura Lee is an Irish Sex worker based in Scotland who has done sterling work fighting abolitionists in different jurisdictions, is currently challenging Northern Ireland's anti-sex work legislation in the courts and intends to do the same in the Republic.

It is in the interest of people no matter where they live to support such challenges. One reason for a show of solidarity would be to prevent criminalisation spreading to more regions in a domino effect.

Please give what you can to support Laura Lee's campaign fund. She probably will be needing another £6,000. If a large number of people gave just £5 or £10 this target could be reached.

The link to the campaign fund is:

Thank you.

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Please Give What You Can to Laura's Fund - by Jack in the Box - 04-10-2015, 00:25

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