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Valentines Day
I always end up webcamming on valentines, dispite it being my birthday. I've never really been big on going out to celebrate and being surrounded with loved up couples, cheesy music and hiked prices - call me Miss Grump
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Messages In This Thread
Valentines Day - by sarahxxx - 11-02-2013, 11:01
RE: Valentines Day - by Trinity-Belle - 11-02-2013, 11:15
RE: Valentines Day - by Lotus - 11-02-2013, 11:42
RE: Valentines Day - by Lolly - 11-02-2013, 11:58
RE: Valentines Day - by Scotty_Hottie - 11-02-2013, 12:01
RE: Valentines Day - by iluvjem - 11-02-2013, 19:30
RE: Valentines Day - by Amy_Taboo - 11-02-2013, 17:18
RE: Valentines Day - by edgeofxtacy - 11-02-2013, 19:23
RE: Valentines Day - by sarahxxx - 11-02-2013, 19:38
RE: Valentines Day - by iluvjem - 11-02-2013, 19:43
RE: Valentines Day - by Amy_Taboo - 11-02-2013, 20:00
RE: Valentines Day - by Trinity-Belle - 11-02-2013, 23:31
RE: Valentines Day - by kitty - 12-02-2013, 00:23

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