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How many UK Webcam girls use Dailypay?
The additional featuring/ promo by the DP group does actually increase income. I have been with the service over a year and as well as this, have benefited from random giveaways, rewards/ bonuses for high earnings, invaluable help and advice etc. I am totally impartial because, ask PJ I have come off the service a couple of times, thinking i would be better off on my own, but actually, apart from the beneficial money side of things, having your pay daily is just so convenient.

Each girl needs to weigh up the pro's and cons for herself. But remember PJ is actually very impartial when it comes to her service. I have seen many instances where she has supported another, potentially rival group, and also where she has given seemingly DP sacrificing advice.

The AW forum can be seen in the same light as another well know camgirl's forum (AC), if anyone else here knows of it - that was of course set up to promo a specific cam girl, but it also provides an invaluable space for camgirls to share info and promote themselves.

Messages In This Thread
RE: How many UK Webcam girls use Dailypay? - by xKatieBabyx - 13-11-2012, 16:15
RE: How many UK Webcam girls use Dailypay? - by christie - 16-11-2012, 13:32
RE: How many UK Webcam girls use Dailypay? - by christie - 17-11-2012, 17:54
RE: How many UK Webcam girls use Dailypay? - by christie - 18-11-2012, 00:50
RE: How many UK Webcam girls use Dailypay? - by xKatieBabyx - 19-11-2012, 20:45
RE: How many UK Webcam girls use Dailypay? - by xKatieBabyx - 07-12-2012, 11:50
RE: How many UK Webcam girls use Dailypay? - by xKatieBabyx - 08-12-2012, 00:02
RE: How many UK Webcam girls use Dailypay? - by xKatieBabyx - 08-12-2012, 00:29

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