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Tax Question Relating Featuring
(01-08-2012, 18:47)curlytots Wrote: Oh yeah, I'm just going to declare it, it's easier. Even though it really is money for nothing... Which is always nice, let's be honest.

I was considering getting an accountant, but after much consideration I don't think I'll bother. I'll blow my own trumpet - I read law at university, if I can do that and understand it, self assessment ain't no biggie. I've done it once before and it's straight forward enough. Plus I already keep a day by day account of my takings, plus expenses. If you have your information to hand, and it's accurate, and reflects your bank statement, there's not really an issue nor a reason for an accountant, in my view.

Just out of curiosity and seeming as you started this Thread, why didn't you read up on it all first? Then you would have known the answer anyway! lol

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RE: Tax Question Relating Featuring - by MichelleSins - 02-08-2012, 07:49

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