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Tax Question Relating Featuring
(25-07-2012, 14:32)curlytots Wrote: To be honest, I had just lumped it in with the rest of the taxable income (if there's one person I don't want to piss off it's the tax man), but was kinda hoping it might be classified as a gift... Maybe I'll just phone them and ask? That's one awkward conversation coming up, lol.

Have fun when you call them - you will probably get not much joy to be honest as joe public doesn't get to talk to technical people very much. If I was to answer that question from experience - then apart from not knowing the whole facts - I would say declare it as income.

HMRC would look at the situation etc, frequency, amounts, what other businesses you are involved with.

Pure gifts are tax free, however income disguised as gifts is not tax free.

One thing to consider - for the sums involved is it worth the potential hassle?

Also - are you making use of all the other legitimate tax avoidance planning you can do?

Tax avoidance is the legal way of minimising your tax bill; tax evasion is illegal!

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RE: Tax Question Relating Featuring - by friendly accountant - 25-07-2012, 18:31

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