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Becoming a "regular" can be surprisingly difficult!
I have noticed that many excorts here have a high regard for their "regulars": not just as a steady source of income, but as friends too. I've been seeing escorts since April, and I'm not really a "shag a different girl each time" sort of guy: ideally I'd like to have about 3 escorts that I'd like to see on a regular basis, with the occasional adventure elsewhere (I tend to fall in love rather easily, and I'm hoping that spreading my affections might prevent the development of a hopeless infatuation with one girl).

But my budget is limited: I'm a married man with a (frigid, sexless) wife and two kids. My ability to smuggle cash into my "escort budget" is limited to about £100 to £150 per month: enough for one 1-hour booking or two half-hour ones (I won't consider 15-minute quickies, I want more time than that). So far, my plan is to see each escort for 1 hour initially (to have a bit of time to get to know her), then half an hour on each return visit (so that I can actually afford to keep seeing her).

My first escort experience, in April, was a bit strange. She wouldn't meet my gaze and kept looking away. But I sent her a "thank you" email regardless, and in her reply she seemed keen to see me again: which I did, in May, and she was a bit more welcoming then (and gave me encouraging feedback afterwards). I think she's maybe a little shy, which is kinda cute. I'm still hoping we can become friends. But I had to tell her that I wouldn't be seeing her for awhile (I wish I had a bigger budget for this!).

In June, I booked my second escort. She was beautiful, sexy, and friendly: I was really looking forward to seeing her again. In July, I tried: but she texted me to cancel when I was halfway to Bristol to see her. There was no explanation, and when I emailed her to ask what had happened, she read my message but did not reply (and, yes, I was polite: I was actually concerned that something bad might have happened).

After waiting a few days, I booked escort number three. We agreed a time and she accepted the booking, but when I drove to Bristol (again) to see her: no contact. Her phone was turned off, leaving me with no directions. I was pretty frustrated, with two failures in a row, in Bristol with a day off work booked and an envelope of cash that I was apparently unable to spend. Rather than head home again, I used my smartphone to go online and find an available escort immediately.

...Which is how I ended up in a hotel room with a Spanish girl who didn't speak English. She could read and text in English, but verbal communication was almost impossible. She understood "69" (fortunately), but not words such as "more", or "again", or "rest". I wanted to have more sex with her by going again after I had rested, but her vocabulary was not up to the task! Eventually sign-language worked, but even so, it had been a bit of a struggle. She was pretty and the sex was good, but I doubt if she actually offered many of the services on her rather implausibly long "likes" list (and how would a non-Spanish-speaker ask for them anyhow?). She was also very busy, keeping me waiting half an hour in the hotel corridor: I ended up meeting both her previous client and the one who came after me, even though I only used about 40 minutes of the hour I had booked (the sex was over and chatting was out of the question, so I didn't quibble).

The following day, I got a reply and an apology from the escort I had failed to meet. She's a university student and was called in unexpectedly to sit an exam. I apologised in return for spending "her" money, because of course I can't afford to book her now! She seems really nice (she even gave me positive feedback on the failed booking), and I have a good feeling about this one, but I'm strugging to scrape more cash together (I can now afford half an hour, but I'm still hoping for an hour).

After I've seen her... then what? See her a second time? Another attempt to see the second escort? Going back to the first one again? Ideally all three, but that will take months! At this rate, it will be sometime in October before I can really start to call myself a "regular" client of any escort.

Messages In This Thread
Becoming a "regular" can be surprisingly difficult! - by Simon - 13-07-2012, 19:28

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