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Little known AW "terms" and tips
I thought I would start this thread so that we can get together and help each other, along with extracting some of the underlying "terms" that AW have.
So I will start this off. One of the items in the T&C's is that the first viewing of the day of one of your clips you do not get paid for, AW keep the money for that one. This is not the same for rentals where you get the money for every view. So I tend to cull clips that are not being viewed a lot, the theory I have is that the more clips you have the more "first views" you get. If you had 18 clips up and each one of them only got viewed once a day you would make no money at all. If you have 5 clips, the chances are low that each one of them will only be viewed once, and after that you start making money. Just my thought so don't dissect this too much.
Second, how to keep the cost of your vids down. We know that AW have a minimum pricing policy for clips, the more MB the clip is, the more you have to charge for it, nothing to do with the length of the clip. So I use Windows movie maker to reduce the Megabites of clips. You can make a clip that is 100MB any size you want by just dialing in what MB you want it on the "save to my computer" tab. I like to keep mine about 12-14 MB, this seems to be the magic number for getting your clips in at 1 credit. I have done extensive testing and have found that by keeping my clips down to this level the make far more money than if I were to charge more. Of course the quality isn't great, but then you can always offer a full length version on the rentals page if you wanted.

Messages In This Thread
Little known AW "terms" and tips - by christie - 26-06-2012, 11:58
RE: Little known AW "terms" and tips - by christie - 27-06-2012, 12:48

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