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What’s The Best Time To Have Sex?
Anytime the mood is right for both of you. I cannot believe I am saying this, but I have had sex outside during a hurricane (it was WILD and FUN!!!), while swimming, receiving a great BJ in a public area, and other crazy stuff (like most of you, I am sure). I am so conservative about many things except when the "soldier" wants to go on the attack. Then, all "bets are off" as long as it is mutual between me and the woman. Having fun with women does not mean disrespect them, even in a "punter relationship"..

Messages In This Thread
RE: What’s The Best Time To Have Sex? - by kinkydirtybitch - 16-05-2012, 22:33
RE: What’s The Best Time To Have Sex? - by davidseven - 24-10-2011, 06:16
RE: What’s The Best Time To Have Sex? - by Johnhomes65 - 16-05-2012, 16:26
RE: What’s The Best Time To Have Sex? - by wanderlust5 - 28-05-2012, 10:11

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