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HPV shots
The conventional wisdom was that vaccinating girls only would ensure a critical mass was achieved.
Sex workers and gay groups have long been campaigning for a change.
In Britain, the cost to the NHS is also a factor in a girls only vaccination strategy.
The Federal government in America has just given approval for routine vaccination of boys.

Messages In This Thread
HPV shots - by davidseven - 27-10-2011, 07:10
RE: HPV shots - by Laudanum - 27-10-2011, 11:15
RE: HPV shots - by MrSmith767 - 27-10-2011, 18:27
RE: HPV shots - by Laudanum - 27-10-2011, 19:38
RE: HPV shots - by Heather_Edwards - 27-10-2011, 13:20

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