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how is that even possible?!?!?
personally I don't think I'm any more at risk now than I was when I was swinging and I've never had an STD yet. In my opinion someone who is intimate and 100% sober and not being influenced by wanting to bag themselves a boyfriend or look good in front of their mates or make someone else jealous is far less likely to slip up, because what we do is done in a professional and safe manner. Yes sometimes things happen, but the fact that we are sober and aware means that we can react to the mistakes and cover our backs best we can.

Nothing is 100% safe, but if care and precautions are taken then they are as close to it as possible.

Messages In This Thread
RE: how is that even possible?!?!? - by monty69 - 19-09-2011, 23:21
RE: how is that even possible?!?!? - by Hicky - 19-09-2011, 23:42
RE: how is that even possible?!?!? - by English Kate - 20-09-2011, 19:20

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