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how is that even possible?!?!?
What I find really scary is the fact that everyone is worried about the attitude of the clients and their 3 Mins. I would rather be concerned about STDs!!!
Please do keep in mind that any unprotected sex is technically "unsafe." To anyone engaging in any sort of sexual activity, I recommend regular testing for HIV and all other STDs, even if you consider your activities to be totally safe and especially if fluids are flying.
I do hope the guys you saw had their Certs with them to prove they were STD free. If not then get yourself down the clinic first thing in the morning.
Sorry to sound harsh but surely your health is more important.

Messages In This Thread
RE: how is that even possible?!?!? - by MichelleSins - 19-09-2011, 20:44
RE: how is that even possible?!?!? - by monty69 - 19-09-2011, 23:21
RE: how is that even possible?!?!? - by Hicky - 19-09-2011, 23:42

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