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lonely job .x
(13-06-2011, 08:18)CurvaceousKate Wrote: lol thought you said 'poor me' for a second then shy. ...

No, I almost said poor cow, but didn't want to offend!

(13-06-2011, 16:01)zoekent Wrote: lonely job .x
Hey Zoe, long time no see. How are you?
i quite enjoy the double life
i've started a work facebook too just to see how it goes and see if it gets deleted!
Come check out my profile
Or if you fancy a threesome click here

See my updates on Twitter @jayzee77cam
Met some forumites today and they were lovely and got me drunk and fed me like a piggy. I nearly got ran over leaving the car (that is after nearly smashing into another one while opening the door) and then when I got into the hotel I discovered I had only booked for Wednesday and they were full today!!! There I am all hot and bothered with a 4pm booking and the girl at the reception is banging on on the phone for what seemed like a life time before telling me I had not got a room.

I'm now is the most plush, luxurious hotel I have ever stayed in, well my room is, not sure about the rest. My room is huge and has a lovely 4 pillar poster bed, chesterfield leather suite, bathroom with jacuzzi and big shower but... no internet connection! I'm now in the bar area in a little corner with my back to a corner wall so no one can see what I'm writing lol.

I have decided to stay here for both days, despite it costing me £99 per night (I do get breakfast) but sod it, I need to relax and I can't wait to hit that jacuzzi with my reg tomorrow and enjoy the room. It has an outside seperate door entrance, so it is actually ideal and I will come back here again, but I think pre-bookings will have to be taken, due to bad comms once I'm here.
Kate, that sounds like an amazing place, and all that for £99 a night, it sounds a bargain.

Were you drunk before or after driving lol?!
Sounds nice,
Come check out my profile
Or if you fancy a threesome click here

See my updates on Twitter @jayzee77cam
I'll tell you what, I'm glad I didn't have any more to drink than I did. One pint is my upper most limit when driving and I had the first half a good 2 hours before the incident, so I wasn't too bad, but my brain was definitely not thinking logically at the time an I did my usual huff and puff act at the reception, which meant I had to eat humble pie. Mind you the girl was thick, as she was trying to sort me out accomodation in Warwick? I did try to explain to her that I needed something local and near the M40, but it didn't seem to make any difference, plus the fact that my starting point wasn't as far as 50 miles and this was supposed to be the middle ground to my journey to London lol.

Oh well, I guess I can hardly complain after being such a numpty myself and she was trying to help.

The jacuzzi was lovely by the way. Not the cleanest I've ever been in but a nice strong shower after soon cleaned me back up and I may have over one it with the bubbles! lol
Sounds lovely Kate
It's been quite nice not being able to use the internet. I'm now up to date on my book work, for work done since Apr 6th, although don't have my expenses with me, so can't do that. I've written a long blog and managed to up load that, although there are a few mistakes on it, that I need to sort out, but that will have to wait, as I'm about to descend on Bicester village now.

I wanted to use the room to take some nice pictures, but my batteries ran out and no shops close by, doh! So hopefully will remember to pick some up while I'm out.

I've had a nice relax though and full english breakfast, so being well looked after. I have a good 2 hour drive in the morning to London, so it will be a long day tomorrow, with 3 half hours drive back home afterwards.

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