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hey, me again (sorry)

had a email from a member asking to pay via other means, now i know thats not allowed i had a root around on  the site and it said you can buy vouchers via payzone , paypoint etc. prepaid master cards. can i advise this to  the member? or not? i dont wanna get in trouble if your not allowed to advise to buy credits that way. xx

thank you xx Heart xx
You CAN choose to accept those, but know that you can't cash them out. Generally speaking, if they aren't willing to pay using credits, then there's a chance that they're either under age or up to some kind of scam.
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to Ana_X for this post:
  • juicybootyj, Mia_Fox
(23-04-2017, 14:35)juicybootyj Wrote: hey, me again (sorry)

had a email from a member asking to pay via other means, now i know thats not allowed i had a root around on  the site and it said you can buy vouchers via payzone , paypoint etc. prepaid master cards. can i advise this to  the member? or not? i dont wanna get in trouble if your not allowed to advise to buy credits that way. xx

thank you xx Heart xx

I strongly recommend you don't engage with him. He's trying it on. When they say they want to "pay by other means", it usually means Paypal. Now there's a reason why AdultWork don't use paypal - because Paypal don't accept adult services related payments.

Fact is; attempting to bypass the credit system is against TOS. I've had numerous guys try to do this - each one I have reported to AdultWork. 

Futhermore; if you encourage him to bypass the credit system, you face having your profile deleted. Not worth it. Tell him he either pays in credits or is pisses off.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Miss Deviant for this post:
  • juicybootyj
thanks girls, im new to this so just getting to grips with it, but i didnt want to get in to trouble. i just wont message him back now, do you think i should also report him to AW xxx
(23-04-2017, 15:13)juicybootyj Wrote: thanks girls, im new to this so just getting to grips with it, but i didnt want to get in to trouble. i just wont message him back now, do you think i should also report him to AW xxx

Absolutely! Scum like him are ripping off us cam girls. Send a screenshot of his email to and they will boot him off the site.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Miss Deviant for this post:
  • juicybootyj
thanks for the advice babe will do that now xx

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