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I'm finding January really crappy if I'm honest. But to make up for the quietness I'm leaving directcam & chat on all day so that I'm making as much as possible! But it's several hours between serious customers.
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(20-01-2017, 10:16)Alizey Wrote: I'm finding January really crappy if I'm honest. But to make up for the quietness I'm leaving directcam & chat on all day so that I'm making as much as possible! But it's several hours between serious customers.

Many sectors are quiet in January. Just have a look at the places in your local town. Costa, Starbucks, the shops,,,they are all quiet especially in the second half of January. We are no different. But it's harder for the girls who only have one source of webcam income - Adultwork. We are all running a business. No business should have only one client / one source of income.

We all have our regulars, but there is a definite co-relation between number of profile hits and credits made.
My profile hits are down 50% on average.

Roll on pay day.
That is so true Caroline! I found it very quiet yesterday, hardly anybody around shopping and a quite a couple of people were in Costa, I went in there just to buy two caramel shortcakes to take home I didn't stay for the expensive coffee. I am now going to Waitrose for a coffee and a cake and I just pay for the cake and get my coffee free that way I am saving £2-4 on expensive coffee with my waitrose card. That is what I will be doing when I next go for a coffee in future.

My other side line business is slow and dead for customers so I am now relying on AW only. Last night wasn't very good it was quiet, this morning wasn't busy as it normally is for me, I have hit my low goal I just need to reach my high goal!
its crap tonight for me anyway-cant win no matter wat i do Sad xxx
I haven't been on cam much at all since baby came along, but when I do it sort of ticks over? I have it on in the background. I was fortunate that I used to be very much in the findom circles and out of no where a few old clients showed up and were heavy into the whole "spoiling the new mummy" thing so it almost feels like maternity leave lol. But I am very aware that come February when that dies down and I have to cam more often it may well be a wake up call. I really hope it evens out by then and we are all doing super well. If you can just get over January you will be OK. I have noticed a few girls have massively cut their rates, makes me wonder how bad it must be :/
(20-01-2017, 21:35)Tara25 Wrote: its crap tonight for me anyway-cant win no matter wat i do Sad xxx

Sending you big hugs and positivity! Try and keep hopeful, I absolutely believe men can see on cam when you are pissed off/ need the money and so on, whenever I am worked up or not relaxed guys leave much sooner xx
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(20-01-2017, 22:35)xXxMEFxXx Wrote:
(20-01-2017, 21:35)Tara25 Wrote: its crap tonight for me anyway-cant win no matter wat i do Sad xxx

Sending you big hugs and positivity! Try and keep hopeful, I absolutely believe men can see on cam when you are pissed off/ need the money and so on, whenever I am worked up or not relaxed guys leave much sooner xx
That is so true.The last week has been a bit crap for me also..............x
(20-01-2017, 22:33)xXxMEFxXx Wrote: I haven't been on cam much at all since baby came along, but when I do it sort of ticks over? I have it on in the background. I was fortunate that I used to be very much in the findom circles and out of no where a few old clients showed up and were heavy into the whole "spoiling the new mummy" thing so it almost feels like maternity leave lol. But I am very aware that come February when that dies down and I have to cam more often it may well be a wake up call. I really hope it evens out by then and we are all doing super well. If you can just get over January you will be OK. I have noticed a few girls have massively cut their rates, makes me wonder how bad it must be :/

Aww when did you have your wee baby? How are you both?? Boy or girl? I'm so broody again! lol A couple of my friends have just had baby's and it's not helping! ha ha Hope your keeping well! xxx
I think January is difficult with the combination of punters being skint and a wave of new girls who need money after christmas. Some days are just dreadful.
(25-01-2017, 11:33)EmmaEH Wrote: I think January is difficult with the combination of punters being skint and a wave of new girls who need money after christmas. Some days are just dreadful.

This morning is awful for me! I keep thinking the guys are prob waiting for payday but then i see other girls who are always in grp or pvt then think hmmm maybe not! Maybe it's just me lol xx

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