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Anyone else find it quiet? Last few days have been so bad for me Sad xx
This afternoons been busy! Shall I send some of mine over? X
(18-01-2017, 15:52)Tara30 Wrote: This afternoons been busy! Shall I send some of mine over? X

Must just be me then lol Yesss plz!!!! xxx
This is the first 5 minutes I've had.

No It's not you, you're regulars are busy.....

I didn't get a single call on Monday! Xxx
(18-01-2017, 16:04)Tara30 Wrote: This is the first 5 minutes I've had.

No It's not you, you're regulars are busy.....

I didn't get a single call on Monday! Xxx

Oh i so wish i was like that today lol
Going offline now. Hopefully be abit better this evening Smile xxx
I've gone quiet now, perhaps I've telepathically sent them to you :-) xxx
Noooooo, I sent mine to you! Xxxx
Lol glad someone is being honest on here! I think it is quiet for most.
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  • YoungMumBellaRose
I think I must be one of the lucky ones then, but in truth I think my regulars are glad to see me back on line after having a reoccurring cold for AGES, I was pretty much useless with no voice & underwater ears, not to mention the sniffing. It would have been unprofessional of me to give a substandard service so didn't come on line for ages. Sunday & today have been great, Monday was rubbish!!!!

We all have good days and bad days, your goodies will come back :-)
My January's are never particularly bad so to speak but you definitely need to be putting more hours in to close over the quiet gap.x

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