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Pay Delays?
(05-10-2016, 19:39)Kitty_si Wrote: I am a bkt confused what ypu.mean by "sending the full amount" So are DP short on funds at the moment then?

And for reference if i put in a request for example to be paid on a certain day can i do it like that? So instead of making requests for bits here or there. Just put in a request now for a larger amount to be paid on a certain day im the future on say friday or saturday for example?

Can it work like that too?

I completely appreciate you are against a rock and a hard place right now. I am just trying to gather facts and info to best plan out my requests to try and stay ahead of ths delay as i am sure a lot of others are too. I would never expect you to put my request before others in a queue. And i cetrainly appreciate all the effort you guys are putting in to try and keep this service going


Hi, "So are DP short on funds at the moment then?" = no but we could f been if we didnt exercise caution. At no point has our cashflow stopped but it would be very unwise for us to think we are immune to a world crisis, plan for the worse case scenario.

Requests for certain days werent designed for the system so may not always work but Friday request has been put on the list for you.

I believe a payout request was actioned yesterday in which all available funds on your balance were sent already.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday


Thanks for the reply.

And thanks for the info!!

I requested a  payment for today.and had email conformation, Is everything still ok for that please?

Thanks again x
Hi, yes all ok, transfer appears to of been done at 07/10/2016 14:01 today.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

Sorry to be a pain! BUT lol Do you know if my funds will be in my account today? I sent payment request lastnight around 8 o'clock. Many thanks Smile x
Hi, funds being sent at the moment.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

(08-10-2016, 20:59)admin Wrote: Hi, funds being sent at the moment.

Hi, I received funds but not the amount I requested. I think you transferred 150 credits instead of 450? Thanks x
(08-10-2016, 21:49)YoungMumBellaRose Wrote:
(08-10-2016, 20:59)admin Wrote: Hi, funds being sent at the moment.

Hi, I received funds but not the amount I requested. I think you transferred 150 credits instead of 450? Thanks x
Will i receive the rest today or will i need to fill in another payment request form? Thank you xx
Hi, if we sent the original amount then it means someone else isnt going to be paid, we cant send large amounts to just one person, it needs to be spread around, this is a world crisis, we arent immune.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

(09-10-2016, 09:42)admin Wrote: Hi, if we sent the original amount then it means someone else isnt going to be paid, we cant send large amounts to just one person, it needs to be spread around, this is a world crisis, we arent immune.


Sorry i didn't realise you were paying out £100 max until i read the link sent in the pm. Appreciate what your doing for us. Many thanks x
What is happening re payments/
I requested cheque not available
I tried bank transfer to Nationwide not available

I want my money !!

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