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AW to stop UK payouts
Dear The Dailypay Service,

As we communicated earlier this week, the sudden termination of PacNet/Chexx services has impacted a number of your payees and the payment methods now available to them.

This Thursday (September 29) we will update the relevant account holders via email, advising that they can no longer receive payments directly to their bank account and will need to change their method of payment to a Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard®. The message will include a personal, unique registration link to register and change their method of payment.

Please do not direct any payee to register for a card via Payoneer’s website ( Payoneer will not detect that this is an existing user and will create a new account. This will complicate the process and confuse the payee. As soon as we issue the card, we will reprocess any pending payments to the card and deliver the card to your payee via courier at Payoneer’s expense.

During this transition, there is a likelihood that payments may fail in cases where users’ new payment methods are pending approval. We strongly recommend that you reprocess any failed payments at a later time to allow the process to play out.

We realize that the situation is challenging and are doing our best to minimize the inconvenience to your payees. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to resolve this. If there is anything we can provide to assist with payee inquiries you may face, please let us know and do not hesitate to reach out.


The Partner Support team
US Toll Free: +1.888.502.8333 ext. 444
US Land Line: +1.646.328.0950 ext. 444
UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

Hi, if you are a CB member (chaturbate) you will of got an email this morning from them also about delays.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

Hi sorry to be a pest, i have just seen the post about requesting payoneer transfer after requesting a cancellation causing problems. i signed up earlier, did all the details and requests a cancellation but haven't received an email yet, i request 3 payments cancelled (all in 3 week time frame) but have since tried to transfer one to payoneer via AW. hope i have not caused any problems? thank you xx  Confused
(28-09-2016, 15:19)Danielle Fox Wrote: Hi sorry to be a pest, i have just seen the post about requesting payoneer transfer after requesting a cancellation causing problems. i signed up earlier, did all the details and requests a cancellation but haven't received an email yet, i request 3 payments cancelled (all in 3 week time frame) but have since tried to transfer one to payoneer via AW. hope i have not caused any problems? thank you xx  Confused

I cancelled my paxum with adult work and they said in the morning it will be cancelled so you're one should be the same if u emailed them xxx as in adult work
This Thursday (September 29) we will update the relevant account holders via email, advising that they can no longer receive payments directly to their bank account and will need to change their method of payment to a Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard®. The message will include a personal, unique registration link to register and change their method of payment.

Please do not direct any payee to register for a card via Payoneer’s website ( Payoneer will not detect that this is an existing user and will create a new account. This will complicate the process and confuse the payee. As soon as we issue the card, we will reprocess any pending payments to the card and deliver the card to your payee via courier at Payoneer’s expense.

So those of us that have registered shouldn't have bothered and cant use those account anyway?
(28-09-2016, 14:21)CeceUK Wrote: I have transferred 25.00 to see if it goes into my Paxum! did it take you long moongoddess?

Hi Cece,

No time scale needed for me as already got an activated card prior to this all happening.

I would advise you to cover the cost of your yearly fee before requesting a card because otherwise it will mean waiting until you do another allocated payment to your Paxum account to cover it.  It will be after this is paid that the card is generated, then sent out so 10 working days from the point at which the payment is covered to receive the card.

I don't know if payoneer is the same but when withdrawing it does give you the option to look at what the conversion rate is from USD to GBP before you say yes to withdraw - so it saves the $0.50 fee if you misjudge your ammount as I did on my first go! ;D

Money went in this afternoon and I have just withdrawn it so no issues with using the cards ( provided activated )

My general thoughts:

I think waiting for a new banking solution is the best way forward for most unless you need the funds sooner.  I think it is great that the daily pay option exists and is an option for so many without prejudice (or at least I hope so lol Big Grin) Someone mentioned way back on this thread I think that a girl contacted them from another group recruiting due to the scenario and whilst that was not the best way to go about things, for me, I am grateful for that email sent as I would not have been made aware as soon as I was - so a blessing in disguise really, despite methods that probably went against terms and conditions of the site.

Whilst some might be more financially savvy than others or bigger earners in the industry, it is worth noting that we are always doing the best we can with what we have-whether that be knowledge or experience.  Some people will complain, panic and only just realize that up until now they had been living hand to mouth and can now make changes to avoid that for future.  Other people will be less concerned because they have a back up plan/savings/multiple jobs to source income from.  Regardless it costs nothing to be kind and share helpful information to others and be mindful that what may/may not annoy us when reading other's posts may be a reflection of a previous version of ourselves we would rather forget existed.

We all have different circumstances, dependents that rely on each person will vary and don't forget those who don't have anyone around them that knows what they do and feel isolated other than the sense of community this forum might provide them.  Just because a person has been relying on their money more than they would like does not always indicate they are less intelligent, have made poor choices in doing so or otherwise.  I think hypothetically a person could have easily been in mass debt through circumstances out of their control, started using adultwork and enabled themselves to commit to a payment plan to pay back debt and started saving (even if a small ammount) but yet still be in the thick of their circumstances when this bombshell has hit them.  There are many different examples I could think of but that do not need stating because we are all unique.  No one needs to feel negative about why they rely on their money so desperately at this point, where applicable, when the reality is scary and shocking enough when you least expect it.

I would really appreciate seeing those with more experience of life and of adultwork helping those less wise or knowledgable for whatever reason as surely that is a part of why this forum exists.

Peace out ;D x

(28-09-2016, 14:21)CeceUK Wrote: I have transferred 25.00 to see if it goes into my Paxum! did it take you long moongoddess?
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Hi, AW update on cancelling transfers:

"We are not effecting UK bank cancellations where the processing date of the transfer has not been reached as we still hopeful that we will have new UK Bank transfer provider in place by then. "

So only transfers that were scheduled for the 27th Sept in theory can be cancelled, we will have to wait and see on this front.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

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Thanks for the update,

Sorry if I'm been annoying, but just checking to see how long till my profiles will be processed?
(28-09-2016, 16:02)Junior Wrote: Thanks for the update,

Sorry if I'm been annoying, but just checking to see how long till my profiles will be processed?

Hi, its around 350th on the list at the moment, processing all them as quickly as possible.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

No problem, thanks for your time and service.
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