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Justcamit High CPU?

Today my CPU is red, it's staying at 100, occasionally dropping down to 80/90, but still in the red. I've cleaned my pc, uninstalled programmes and it seems to be running fine. 

I understand that this means my computer load is too high, but I'm wondering if this will make a difference i.e cause it to crash or guys to be kicked out? 

Any help appreciated! 

Yes running JCI with the CPU in high or red numbers will cause issues. Are you running netflix in the background or some other video streaming/game website while you're signed in? That could be putting stress on your CPU. Keep to just the JCI window open when you're working and it should be fine. If not there's likely an issue with your machine that you need to look into further.
(01-09-2016, 11:10)Ana_X Wrote: Yes running JCI with the CPU in high or red numbers will cause issues. Are you running netflix in the background or some other video streaming/game website while you're signed in? That could be putting stress on your CPU. Keep to just the JCI window open when you're working and it should be fine. If not there's likely an issue with your machine that you need to look into further.

Hi Ana, 

Thank you. 

No nothing else is running. However, I've just had a cam session that lasted over 12 minutes with no issues, so maybe it's not causing too much of an issue. Some guys are going after a few seconds though. One of those came back and said he had to go as he nearly got caught, lol. so I'm thinking it's normal.  I really don't know what the issue is, I've done a virus scan and uninstalled things I don't need. 

The only thing that I can think of is that I'm running on windows 8, and haven't updated, because the pc keeps saying I need to activate it, but when I go to the control panal to do so, I see that I already am activated. Do you think it's because of this older version of windows?
I am having an issue with this lately too. I have updated to Windows 10 and there is a 'system and compressed memory' task that drains the memory. Seems to be a common thing on Win 10 but its a ballache to correct it Sad My PC isnt the best spec but hat doest help at all. My JCI runs in the red a lot and I do notice it reflected in my shows. Sad
View My Adultwork Profile here. 
Twitter: @LolaLuxx1

"Flirting is a woman’s trade, one must keep in practice"

(01-09-2016, 12:35)Lolaluxx Wrote: I am having an issue with this lately too.  I have updated to Windows 10 and there is a 'system and compressed memory' task that drains the memory. Seems to be a common thing on Win 10 but its a ballache to correct it Sad  My PC isnt the best spec but hat doest help at all.  My JCI runs in the red a lot and I do notice it reflected in my shows. Sad

I find PC's a ballache in general, I wish I could help you with that, but I can't even upgrade to windows 10 on mine.

How do you find it affects your shows? I'm noticing a lot of guys pinging in and out, especially in group, but that seems to happen anyway until one stays longer. I can't tell if it's a technical issue, or guys hopping around to look at many cams.
Guys will always drop in and leave immediately if the aesthetic on offer isn't what they want to wank to that particular evening. Hell I have regulars who've been coming back to see me for over five years who still do it. It's nothing personal and unlikely an AW glitch, just clients on a hunt.
(01-09-2016, 14:44)Ana_X Wrote: Guys will always drop in and leave immediately if the aesthetic on offer isn't what they want to wank to that particular evening. Hell I have regulars who've been coming back to see me for over five years who still do it. It's nothing personal and unlikely an AW glitch, just clients on a hunt.

I get that, but today it's strange, it's happening to almost everyone and it seems like they do like what they see. I'm kind of specialist at the moment, I'm pregnant. Just had a guy come on saying he loves the nipples and pregnant belly, asked me to do a spin, he asked how far gone I was, as I was about to give my answer he pings out. It makes me wonder if this bloody 100% CPU is the cause.
I do notice when my CPU runs high it's because of my lighting. Sometimes I try to be lazy in the evenings and not use my professional lights and my CPU is 70 or 80. When I use them its between 7 and 35 but will usually stat at about 20 to 27. What processor does your computer have?
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Ive switched my splitter off and its been fine Sad A new higher spec pc it is then :-(
View My Adultwork Profile here. 
Twitter: @LolaLuxx1

"Flirting is a woman’s trade, one must keep in practice"

(02-09-2016, 09:49)Ms_Luscious_Lily Wrote: Hi,
I do notice when my CPU runs high it's because of my lighting. Sometimes I try to be lazy in the evenings and not use my professional lights and my CPU is 70 or 80. When I use them its between 7 and 35 but will usually stat at about 20 to 27. What processor does your computer have?

You seem to know what you're talking about and a lot more technical than I am! Apparently it's AMD E1-1200 APU with Radeon. The only lights I ever use are the ones in my house. 

I put all my desktop files into folders last night, to clean up the desktop, and uninstalled even more files. Now the CPU is dropping to 60-80, but this morning it started on 100 again, even after that.  I've noticed that when I've got my outlook open it goes up more.

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