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Strange sex workers!
(16-04-2016, 06:56)Nova70 Wrote: I've not checked out (name removed) but from the way you describe the situation Pedro I'd say she's cherry picking her bookings, saying yes to everyone but only doing the ones that suit her.

I cherry pick my clients because 1) I have an exceptionally high respect for what my time and energy is worth when spending on a person 2) If someone doesn't meet the criteria I seek in a client no amount of money or persistent requests is going to change my mind on the matter and 3) Because I'm unabashedly exclusive. 
There's nothing wrong with picking and choosing clients, if more folk did there'd be less shite sessions/punts for people to complain about.

And please, give your fellow Y chromosome carriers some credit. It's only the weak willed with no self control nor desire to have self control who would follow through on any kind of appointment despite alarm bells going off. Let those ones fall into the fire, hell mend 'em, but don't tar every man alive with the same stupidity.
(16-04-2016, 17:23)Ana_X Wrote:
(16-04-2016, 06:56)Nova70 Wrote: I've not checked out (name removed) but from the way you describe the situation Pedro I'd say she's cherry picking her bookings, saying yes to everyone but only doing the ones that suit her.

I cherry pick my clients because 1) I have an exceptionally high respect for what my time and energy is worth when spending on a person 2) If someone doesn't meet the criteria I seek in a client no amount of money or persistent requests is going to change my mind on the matter and 3) Because I'm unabashedly exclusive. 
There's nothing wrong with picking and choosing clients, if more folk did there'd be less shite sessions/punts for people to complain about.

And please, give your fellow Y chromosome carriers some credit. It's only the weak willed with no self control nor desire to have self control who would follow through on any kind of appointment despite alarm bells going off. Let those ones fall into the fire, hell mend 'em, but don't tar every man alive with the same stupidity.

That's not what I mean by cherry picking, your vetting those who contact you to make sure their suitable candidates for the service you offer, nothing wrong with that. What I mean by cherry picking is an SP who confirms or at least gives a strong indication that a booking has been agreed but does not necessarily intend to honour it, e.g. I book for one hour but later the wg gets a booking request for three hours that straddles my time slot, now instead of cancelling me she keeps me in reserve just in case Mr three hours falls through, if he turns up I get either a lame excuse or the answer phone when I make contact on the day.

As for my fellow Y chromosone carriers I think most of them would agree with me, I'd lend you my cock for a day but it's pretty much in constant use one way or another and I'd feel awkward without it, I mean what would I do with my hands.
I'm really not bothered I like League One.

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@Pedro..............It's really a very bad idea to keep giving away so much about yourself I fear the day will come when you really will regret it.
I'm really not bothered I like League One.

Every post with a complaint about SWs from pedro has been nullified thanks to that above post.
Some serious woman hate going on there! And THIS is why we get to charge the pathetic fuckers for our time Smile
(17-04-2016, 12:05)xKatieBabyx Wrote: Some serious woman hate going on there! And THIS is why we get to charge the pathetic fuckers for our time Smile

"pathetic fuckers" is that what you think of us, well at least your honest, Katie very much understands the power she has over men.

Pedro is always eager to portay himself as the victim and of course doesn't tell us the whole story but I don't think he's a woman hater, actually he appears to crave a steady relationship with a woman and if that's the case then punting isn't for him, he also tells us he's Autistic which means his words and behaviour often seem inappropriate and he can't properly interpret the reaction he gets to the things he says and does which means he fails to realise that he's crossed a line, this could also explain why he becomes over involved in the contacts he has with SPs. Now as I've said Pedro is certainly being economical with the truth but I'm not sure slinging him in prison for breaching non-contact orders is really going to help matters.

As a punter you should never let the crap experiences get you down and don't dwell on them but you must learn from them, does an SP fuck you about or rip you off because she's a woman or a sexworker, no she does it because she's a dishonest or unreliable person and we come across such people everywhere in life. In my early punting years I'd say 6/10 punts either lived up to or exceeded my expectaions but now I think it's more like 8/10 and that's because I have learned, I no longer make snap decisions or ignore warning signs no matter how much I like what I see. I will never make it 10/10 that's just not possible but because I get so much pleasure and fulfillment from the good/great experiences I will take the bad ones in my stride and accept them as inevitable.
I'm really not bothered I like League One.

(17-04-2016, 14:49)Nova70 Wrote:  Now as I've said Pedro is certainly being economical with the truth but I'm not sure slinging him in prison for breaching non-contact orders is really going to help matters.

You said yourself he's being economical with the truth, so why are you sounding surprised with this? There's breaking an NCO by calling/texting, turning up at a persons place of work, deliberately bumping into them in a public place or sticking your dick through their letter box. Nobody besides pedro and the people who had to get the law involved to make him back off will ever know the real truth of what's written in his custody notes - and frankly, nobody should care.

Possibly with the exception of any SP he's hoping to meet in future. To be forewarned is forearmed and all that.
Pedro you do sound as if you don't realise how you impact on others, and how scary you can appear. The things you describe, the actions people have taken is almost definitely because they are afraid of you.

I also would second guess that you scare off Escorts, either that or make yourself so vulnerable you can be taken advantage of (I'm also picking up that you yourself are confused by all of this, which is how these situations escalate).

I have clients who are on various spectrums, one I didn't even know until he told me, another who booked me just the once, I experienced him as totally pushy - but he couldn't see what was wrong with that.

I have had someone phone me from scotland, who when I speak to him badgers me even though it's obvious we are practically are never going to have a booking. He sounds very similar to yourself, and I suspect he's on the spectrum too (his manner and his mentioning of his housing situation).

Having a conversation with someone who won't take no for an answer (and good reason nos, such as distance, his budget, my time, the services he's asking about in detail which I do not offer and am clear about on my adverts), is really scary and totally unfair.

I hope you can stop being in this scary place, which leaves you as confused as everyone else.

Athletic, elegant, lingerie, kink and fetish indulger. Webcam, Chat, outcall focused to homes or hotels in the Barrow-in-furness, South Lakes area and beyond

[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Strawberryblonde for this post:
  • Nova70
(17-04-2016, 16:46)Pedro Wrote:

Yeah. Trolls are everywhere. If they aren't berating me over escorts, I am booted off crappy gaming forums run by idiots. The web certainly has an endless horde of haters, huh? That is why I only visit certain message boards now, and support workers are just paid lackeys anyway. Big Grin

I think it was unfair I kidnapped her, and got shot. Sad

No trolls here but yourself peter. If you're saying the kidnap stuff to try upset people you'd best knock that on the head.
@Admin This thread needing a bit of a clear up now?

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