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Accident or design ?.
Punter, wg, Cammer, Dominatrix how and why did you become what you are, do you enjoy it or as far as the SPs are concerned is it just about the money, and how long will you continue doing what your doing. Probably easiest for a punter like me to answer those questions because there really is only one reason why we start and that's the need for sex or more sex. My wife and I had a pretty healthy sex life and after we separated I needed to replace that but how ?, when you get to my age there just aren't the same opportunities for the chance of a little casual sex, dating agencies etc are really not for me and as I wasn't really looking for a relationship joining one would have been a little disingenuous. I was already aware of the "Massage" ads in my local paper and thought what the hell I'll give it a try telling myself it was a stop-gap solution and just a temporary measure to fulfill a need, yeah right. Well ten years later here I am, so am I hooked ? yes I probably am, I can honestly say that for the most part I've thoroughly enjoyed it and for me browsing AW is like a kid being let loose in a sweet shop. I have no idea how long I will continue, there are plenty of punters on forums in their sixties and at least two I know of in their seventies, I suppose there will come a time when the biological urge will start to fade or perhaps before that I may begin to miss all the things relationships have to offer and the desire to be part of one again will seem more important, only time will tell.
I'm really not bothered I like League One.

I fell into adult modelling at the age of 50 when I posted some pictures on a website, and was asked if I wanted to model, as I had great tits and legs. I now have my own website, and have done for about 5 years now. I found Adultwork in 2009 and wondered if I could actually do webcamming, thought I would be too old, but gave it a go, the rest is history. Am now 64 and enjoy camming, don't earn thousands, lol, but earn enough to buy my outfits, etc. Will continue to cam for as long as punters want me to, or my body gives up, lol.
My profile: MatureSally38K
I was at university and needed some extra cash but my degree was too full on to work in a bar etc (I had tried and it was extremely difficult) so I tried phone sex.

I did phone sex for ages working on AW and a few other places and it was so easy to do around writing essays.

After graduation I decided to work freelance in the industry I studied in and continue phone sex around it. Ended up doing dominatrix webcamming by mistake really as people were basically begging to pay me to watch them wank etc.

So I have been doing that for just over a year. This summer I am going into real time to further explore and to save up for my Masters Degree.

As for enjoying it, I certainly wouldn't be doing it if I didn't. I've had a lot of jobs in lots of different industries and this is by far the best.
I wrote a blog post on this back in June. Pasting a link for laziness.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Ana_X for this post:
  • Nova70
I was looking for part time work and answered an advert on one of the social networking pages... Ended up being webcamming on AW. My partner said I was too chicken to do it, so I did lol. Was the biggest scam tho... I was in a group and wasn't even allowed to see my own profile. When I wanted to go online I just signed in through JCI. Soon ditched hat and started my own profile!!
(28-01-2016, 11:19)maturesally38k Wrote: I fell into adult modelling at the age of 50 when I posted some pictures on a website, and was asked if I wanted to model, as I had great tits and legs.  I now have my own website, and have done for about 5 years now.  I found Adultwork in 2009  and wondered if I could actually do webcamming, thought I would be too old, but gave it a go, the rest is history.  Am now 64 and enjoy camming, don't earn thousands, lol, but earn enough to buy my outfits, etc.  Will continue to cam for as long as punters want me to, or my body gives up, lol.

64 I'm impressed and I'm guessing that before that like me it's not something you'd even thought about let alone actually doing before circumstances made it an option.
I'm really not bothered I like League One.

(28-01-2016, 12:04)Del Wrote: I was at university and needed some extra cash but my degree was too full on to work in a bar etc (I had tried and it was extremely difficult) so I tried phone sex.

I did phone sex for ages working on AW and a few other places and it was so easy to do around writing essays.

After graduation I decided to work freelance in the industry I studied in and continue phone sex  around it. Ended up doing dominatrix webcamming by mistake really as people were basically begging to pay me to watch them wank etc.

So I have been doing that for just over a year. This summer I am going into real time to further explore and to save up for my Masters Degree.

As for enjoying it, I certainly wouldn't be doing it if I didn't. I've had a lot of jobs in lots of different industries and this is by far the best.

It's good to know that the contributors to this thread are enjoying what their doing but I can see that for you and Ana it's more than that, a real interest and a need to know more, best of luck with the real time and the MD.
I'm really not bothered I like League One.

(28-01-2016, 14:35)lucyloo Wrote: I was looking for part time work and answered an advert on one of the social networking pages... Ended up being webcamming on AW. My partner said I was too chicken to do it, so I did lol. Was the biggest scam tho... I was in a group and wasn't even allowed to see my own profile. When I wanted to go online I just signed in through JCI. Soon ditched hat and started my own profile!!

You say your partner didn't think you'd have the nerve but have you surprised yourself as well ?.
I'm really not bothered I like League One.

It is something I would never have thought I would do, and don't think I would have had the confidence to do it when younger, Obviously no internet/cams back in my youth, lol.
My profile: MatureSally38K
I knew a few models that did webcamming so I signed up braved my first night earnt a fair ammount. Ive never really looked back, I do what I want when I want and I really genuinly have a great time camming, I've always enjoyed the fact that guys wank over me so what more of a confidence boost than camming I hope to be able to do this for a long time and thank you Sally above for making me believe I can even when I am a little older. Smile

Id say this was the best job in the world, no matter the stigma of what others might think.


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