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Strange sex workers!
@Nova70 - Unfortunately your reply still does not make sense of what you said above.

Of course you are right and there is every chance of what you are saying happening and we all know that scams do happen, but.....

Your post indicates that "she also has positive feedback from real punters two of whom I know belong to forums" and that they "are trustworthy punters".

So I really do not see your problem?

If after some research you find that the punters are a little dubious, so the reviews could be and that they have only reviewed girls in that agency, then yes I would understand why you would be cautious.

At what point do you actually trust the feedback, unless it is negative?

Sarah x x x
I don't mean to sound crass here, but hygiene is a big plus for me. If I wanted fish sauce, I would find that in a chip shop. If I wanted chocolate, I would go to Thornton's.

In other words, what is the funny smells and lack of preparation with some girls on that website before doing the nasty commences? Vaginal and anal prep never hurt anyone. Honestly, what do you think enemas are for?

Also, just what in the blue hell is period play? Yuck! I've heard of a Bloody Mary before, but that sounds really obscene. To each their own.
The complaints are always from idiots who go for unverified girls, low prices, no or little feedback. What do you expect?! Try raising your standards and you might not get messed around so much.
(26-01-2016, 16:31)wife4rent Wrote: @Nova70 - Unfortunately your reply still does not make sense of what you said above.

Of course you are right and there is every chance of what you are saying happening and we all know that scams do happen, but.....

Your post indicates that "she also has positive feedback from real punters two of whom I know belong to forums" and that they "are trustworthy punters".

So I really do not see your problem?

If after some research you find that the punters are a little dubious, so the reviews could be and that they have only reviewed girls in that agency, then yes I would understand why you would be cautious.

At what point do you actually trust the feedback, unless it is negative?

Sarah x x x

I didn't actually say the two forum punters were "trustworthy....." I just said I recognised their names, the truth is I know very little about either of them other than that they contribute to forums and that alone is not enough. When do I trust feedback ?, as I said before I like to see a familiar name, someone who's seen other women I've seen. I don't just look at who's given feedback on a profile I then look at who else that punter has feedback from, it's by no means foolproof but it works pretty well for me.
I'm really not bothered I like League One.

(26-01-2016, 08:07)Nova70 Wrote: ...has positive feedback from real punters two of whom I know belong to forums

As you are saying that they are real punters and they have given the girl positive feedback then surely that is the idea of the Feedback on profiles?

Just does not make sense to me, but your way works for you and that is what matters most. Although you may be missing out on some fun....

Sarah x x x
(27-01-2016, 14:50)wife4rent Wrote:
(26-01-2016, 08:07)Nova70 Wrote: ...has positive feedback from real punters two of whom I know belong to forums

As you are saying that they are real punters and they have given the girl positive feedback then surely that is the idea of the Feedback on profiles?

Just does not make sense to me, but your way works for you and that is what matters most. Although you may be missing out on some fun....

Sarah x x x

Yes it would appear that real punters who contribute to forums have given positive fb but there's more to it than that. When I'm looking at a new profile I like to see familiar names, my thinking is if that guy enjoyed seeing X and Y as I did then there's a reasonable probability that I may enjoy seeing this woman as well, just because someone writes on a forum is not enough you have to know a little about them, are they perhaps a little fluffy and prone to overating an experience or maybe their over critical and have expectations that are just too high, of course it's perfectly possible that their idea of a good punt is completely different from my own, forums can have thousands of members but in the end you find that you tend to take advice from just a very small number of people.

Am I missing out ?, almost certainly yes but I keep these profiles that I'm not sure about on my HL in the hope that someone will convince me their worth a visit. On the other hand I don't turn up here every five minutes moaning about another crap experience do I because my caution makes poor experiences few and far between.
I'm really not bothered I like League One.

(25-01-2016, 13:37)guest Wrote: Wife4rent........

...... a forum member for almost six years, roughly 5 five years and ten months longer than you.
.......with a wealth of FIRST HAND experience to draw on, having worked in the paid sex industry for a significant amount of time.
.......having accumulated over two thousand forum posts. the heck did you get a rating of 5 stars.

I have no idea how she pulled this off.  It's surely a conspiracy that one of the forums longest contributors has acquired a five star rating.  It truly is inexplicable, Guest, I empathize with your fucktardary.

Quote:When will guys learn what the hell is that bullshit. It doesn't make the slightest different whether a guy telephones or text if the opposition is a bait. A working girls with intention to bait will agree to anything until you arrive at her door that is.

You clearly have no idea the degree of ignorance and irony, your above assertions deliver.  If you bothered to actually READ the post to which you've clearly REACTED, rather than responded, to, you would realize, firstly, that, yes, the medium by which you attempt/proceed to communicate with any potential prostitute, very much DOES matter, with direct ramifications as to the likely outcome of any punt.  It goes without saying (to anyone with half a brain cell) that anyone involved in a 'bait and switch' scam will obviously agree to anything simply to secure a punt.......had you bothered to read the post, you may have garnered some practical methods which would reduce your probability of falling into such a trap, but why bother doing that when you can rant utterly unrelated, unhinged, gibberish, like a hysterical fucking lunatic?

"If you seek to know the truth, cease to cherish opinion" Heart

Meet, chat, cam
"fucktardary" good word Miss E and probably one that's not used nearly enough, do you have exclusive rights to it or can I borrow it occasionally.
I'm really not bothered I like League One.

(26-01-2016, 15:02)guest Wrote: A good example of post#20 would be this profile @ Oxford Circus. I wanted to see this girl by her looks and good ratings, until I saw the very bad ratings starting to surface, but hey...don't you find it strange of the very different opinions, and on some positive feedbacks the member is no longer active

A lot of her feedback looks genuine but a little research seems to suggest she's one to avoid, you say Oxford Circus well she 's now in Canary Wharf and looking at her feedback tells me that Adda and the group she works with move around a lot, shame as I like her pictures as well but I'm afraid it could just be another here today gone tomorrwow Romanian outfit who don't much worry about building a good reputation as they will be somewhere else next week.

Yes, they should stay in the same city for years so you could believe they are there and they are real :Big Grin I know a few Romanian girls and they are lovely. 
Some of you guys are looking for the cheapest shag with the prettiest girl on AW. That's delusional. You pay £40 and then you are saying "oh she didn't want to kiss me". 
What do you expect? 
Girls make more money if they tour a lot, that's just business.
in Edinburgh seems hot, but she let people down loads before. When I had the cash, I chose not to see her as she seemed unenthusiastic. She made out she was on a train because I did not book her and this new arrangement about going ahead with her after a mix up had occurred only a minute thereafter. Yeah. A big liar.

Well, she we on a train , you didn't book her. What is your problem? Get a life mate :Big Grin
And why do you mention username of every girl you see on AW?

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