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Strange sex workers!
(24-01-2016, 19:24)Pedro Wrote: No. I would have saw them had they been real. But I also was prepared to get a little mucked around too.

Maybe you should consider having a telephone conversation rather than texting.  I know lots of girls who really dislike texting all the time when the energy can be saved with more important things.
Wife4rent how the heck did you get a rating of 5 stars. When will guys learn what the hell is that bullshit. It doesn't make the slightest different whether a guy telephones or text if the opposition is a bait. A working girls with intention to bait will agree to anything until you arrive at her door that is.

You, who wish to be respected yourself have no respect for punters naming them a mug. The term 'organized crime' is because it is organized to trap and you will only realize once it happens. Yes, you can walk away but it is undeniable that time is wasted when it could have been for another professional escort. A high percentage of the advertised profiles are B&S and punters did not ask for this. You can walk away, you can write a bad review, oh yesss but guess what, it does not stop the number of new fake profiles appearing everyday. It is a mine field
Ha-ha. It really makes my day or whole week when somebody with a plaintive name like "guest" backs me up on a punting forum, or any message board for that matter. Well done.

Anyway, one guy told me elsewhere that scumbags are everywhere you set foot, and they literally haunt your very existence. So of course you will find terrible women, untrustworthy support workers, money grabbing girlfriends, awkward social workers, junkies, backstabbers, cats and dogs, living together. Mass hysteria!

OK. You get my point.

I am sad that the Polish indie called Agnes seemingly retired. This is unfortunate because I saw her before Christmas and I felt bad once she broke the news to me that she was quitting this job. It was not a memorable punt anyway. After I wished her luck in life, she never responded.

Well, fine. Escorts do not care, but I saw her on and off for a long time and I had really been looking forward to seeing her again if she made yet another profile on Adult Work. But that is how the cookie crumbles.

Maybe if I regained my confidence, I could get a real girlfriend and die a happy man, hopefully after actually doing something with my life. The thing is, at least escorts provide variety. If my next bird is anything like the last gold digging tart that screwed me over, count me out.
(25-01-2016, 13:37)guest Wrote: Wife4rent how the heck did you get a rating of 5 stars. When will guys learn what the hell is that bullshit.

The five stars is a reflection of her time and contribution on this forum. 

You have two stars.... what do you make of that?
Oh come on, now. David Bowie was the real Starman. We know this!


The only reason that B&S operate is that guys will not walk away.

If you message a girl and do not get a reasonable response then also move on as it will probably not get any better, unfortunately guys will not learn and they will continue to do the same, which in turn encourages girls to operate in the way they do, because they can get away with it.

Respect for piunters: The problem is that that during a day an escort will encounter communication from far more idiots that they will actually see genuine guys, so the moment a guy does not have the right approach it is not unusual for the girl to be thinking "here we go again".

I have full respect for my clients, they are the guys I have met and are genuine, but even then, occasionally you will get one that will for some reason mess you about, he will then lose the respect he has earned.

Sarah x x x

As an example of what escorts have to deal with via the AW message system, the below is just one of what I have had to deal with today.

09.02 - Can I see you today ?

I did not read the message or respond

14.04 - Would it be possible to see you today

I did not read the message or respond

15.46 - Love to see you today my mob is 078xxxxxx if you can text tx

I did not read the message or respond

16.02 - Booking made - 15hr(s) for 50 GBP on 25/01/2016 at 053000

I have just responded and I pointed out that it was clear on my profile that I am not doing incalls at the moment and that I would not be meeting anybody for 15 hrs

Having not had a response to messages he had already sent and could clearly see that I had not read them either, why did he then insist on going on to make a booking?

Stupid people do stupid things....

Apart from the above I have had several "one line meaningless" messages that I have just deleted.

Sarah x x x
We have two good examples on other threads at the moment of the dangers of not doing a little research or ignoring an obvious warning sign, in one case a quick google of the profile number would have shown the gentleman concerned that other punters had already had problems with this particular woman, in the other case the feedback was hidden on the profile which is IMO a good enough reason to move on no matter how appealing I may find what I see and read, but then we have the many other profiles that have little or no feedback but nothing that stands out as being particularly suspicious so do you or don't you risk going to see them, personally I don't but of course every advertiser on AW started with zero feedback so I'm eternally grateful to those punters who TOFTT. Sarah is right sometimes when she says we only have ourselves to blame, if a punter ignores something obviously dodgy about a profile because he's letting his cock do the thinking well then he can't really complain can he but if he's simply gone for a profile that has little feedback but nothing else to suggest it's not kosher then that's a different matter.

I've been doing this for a good few years now and I'm certainly no mug when it comes to making my choices, I read reviews and take advice from other forum punters I also take a good look at who has already left feedback on a profile hoping to see a name I know and trust but even for me there are times when I just can't make up my mind one way or the other, there's a profile I'm very interested in at the moment but I've already established that it's being run by an agency, some of the feedback is definetely fake because I've tracked down other profiles for this agency and the same "punters" have left feedback on those profiles as well, but here's the dilemma she also has positive feedback from real punters two of whom I know belong to forums, unfortunately they haven't reviewed and it's not possible for me to contact them directly. So will I go to see her, well probably not as experience has taught me that the dubious stuff on this profile is a warning sign that shouldn't be ignored that's the benefit of experience but ten years ago I didn't have that and the £150 she charges for the hour could have been a very costly lesson for a newbie punter.
I'm really not bothered I like League One.

(26-01-2016, 08:07)Nova70 Wrote: ... I've already established that it's being run by an agency, some of the feedback is definetely fake because I've tracked down other profiles for this agency and the same "punters" have left feedback on those profiles as well

This does not make sense, why would it be fake feedback just because the guys have left feedback on other girls who work from the same agency?

It is quiet normal for a guy who uses an agency to meet with several girls from that agency, some guys even rely on one agency for all their encounters.

Do you get to speak to the girl prior to meeting? I would hope so otherwise that is also a problem / risk.

Sarah x x x
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(26-01-2016, 11:04)wife4rent Wrote:
(26-01-2016, 08:07)Nova70 Wrote: ... I've already established that it's being run by an agency, some of the feedback is definetely fake because I've tracked down other profiles for this agency and the same "punters" have left feedback on those profiles as well

This does not make sense, why would it be fake feedback just because the guys have left feedback on other girls who work from the same agency?

It is quiet normal for a guy who uses an agency to meet with several girls from that agency, some guys even rely on one agency for all their encounters.

Do you get to speak to the girl prior to meeting? I would hope so otherwise that is also a problem / risk.

Sarah x x x

Yes Sarah your right it's not unknown for punters to stick with a certain agency but it's also very common for agencies or groups to create fake "service seeker" accounts and exchange feedback with members of that agency or group to make them look a little more convincing. Now if I followed my usual routine and sent her an AW email the chances are it would be replied to by someone from the agency posing as the woman rather than the woman herself and they would simply tell me what they think I want to hear, also a real possibility of a bait & switch as the flat is probably owned or rented by the agency and more than one woman will probably work at this location.
I'm really not bothered I like League One.

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