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Autopsy fetish?
(05-12-2015, 18:50)lara Wrote:
(05-12-2015, 16:08)Nova70 Wrote:

I treat pubic hairs like Brussel sprouts........just push them to one side and keep eating.

Mmm munch crunch ... nom nom nom

I checked with a regular and I don't sound like that, she says it's more like slurp slurp and then a noise like I'm blowing a raspberry.
This is too much for a hangover on a Sunday lol.

(08-12-2015, 18:10)inexperiencedpunter Wrote: A hang over you say? Make sure you don't drink too much alcohol and die of liver failure, that would be a sure fire way to wind up on the pathologist's autopsy slab. Where your dead and naked corpse would be gutted from head to toe. Your intimate areas would be examined for signs of sexual activity and then you would be cut from the throat to your groin and all of your organs removed and sliced up. Once they were done with your putrid cadaver they would chuck all your organs back into your gutted carcass willy nilly (like putting your sliced brain in your belly area), fill you with saw dust and sow you back up, ready for disposal. All the while you would be helpless to prevent the violation of your own body.

hopefully when I die I wont have a nutter such as yourself carrying out a professional practice
unluckily for you you wont get a rise out of me so wank away and when you actually have some cash come and see the real thing on cam Smile
Sorry but cam girls aren't my thing, quite a waste of money in my opinion. I would rather see the flesh :evil: too bad you are the other end of the country Blush
luckily even if you was my next door neighbor i dont see nutters or bb seekers Smile
bb seekers lol x
(08-12-2015, 18:10)inexperiencedpunter Wrote: A hang over you say? Make sure you don't drink too much alcohol and die of liver failure, that would be a sure fire way to wind up on the pathologist's autopsy slab. Where your dead and naked corpse would be gutted from head to toe. Your intimate areas would be examined for signs of sexual activity and then you would be cut from the throat to your groin and all of your organs removed and sliced up. Once they were done with your putrid cadaver they would chuck all your organs back into your gutted carcass willy nilly (like putting your sliced brain in your belly area), fill you with saw dust and sow you back up, ready for disposal. All the while you would be helpless to prevent the violation of your own body.

(08-12-2015, 18:25)inexperiencedpunter Wrote: Oh, believe me, they profess to be all professional but they take their liberties, even on the autopsy videos on Youtube. He just casually grabs her tit and gives it a good squeeze. Might as well give the body one last ride before it gets disposed of huh? From your profile pic I can only imagine what they would do to your body if you were to die unexpectedly Wink Think I might have a wank to the thought!

Also all your piercings etc in intimate areas would be removed from you by the pathologists. Normally they would just cut your flesh with the scalpel rather than bothering to undo the piercings the proper way as well, they aren't going to waste time on a dead body, no matter how sexy it is. So they would just cut your nipple, clit, belly button etc piercing just by nicking the flesh it is attached to with the scalpel.

Let me stop you there for a moment and point out that you are pressing your rather extreme fetish on someone who has not given consent to any part of it, and subsequently everybody else who happens across this thread. If your intention with the above two posts of yet more babbling bollocks is to give the person you replied to worry, stress or fear then you are directly in breach of the Malicious Communications Act. I might also add that as you are a member of this dear forum of ours, admin will have access to all known IP addresses you have linked to you in getting here.

Should the ladies you replied to the two times above feel that yes, she has taken those messages as a deliberate move to cause fear, she would be well within her right to contact police over the matter, the police would then contact admin, and for the sake of keeping his community harmonious and assisting in a police enquiry admin would then pass on every single scrap of information about you.

You are in a public space, have some courtesy for those around you.
I am shocked at what I am reading . Go pay for it rather than trying to provoke a reaction on here ...
Well IP I've reported two of your posts and I hope others have as well, some Trolls can be entertaining but I'm afraid your just boring and predictable................goodbye.


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