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Autopsy fetish?
Even better, and more to your liking, the liver probably won t object to bareback.
(04-12-2015, 10:34)inexperiencedpunter Wrote: I was wondering if any WGs would be comfortable catering for such a thing? For those who don't know what an autopsy is, the video below shows it perfectly, albeit the commentary is Chinese, but you get the idea:

Sorry I can't get the video to embed, I know it's inconvenient having to click on the link.

This unfortunate young Chinese woman is the recipient of the most rigorous surgery, so rigorous and all encompassing that it can only be done when somebody is dead.

If you watch the first few minutes, it shows the "external examination". What I was wondering is would any WGs be comfortable lying down and playing dead whilst I play the role of the pathologist and "examine" them?

The examination would be just like a real autopsy so I would start at the head and work my way down to the private areas, fondling breasts, armpits, abdomen, on my way down as you can see in the video.

I can imagine some ignorant people would be put off by the idea but if you die unexpectedly that will happen to your body and more at the hands of the autopsy doctor.

We had a client who wanted the girls to play dead, we ended up reporting him to the police, and he got his house raided.
Thought you may like to know.
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  • BustyLola-UK
That is very harsh of you. He was probably just an innocent and poor man with a fetish. I bet you masturbated profusely to that sense of power over the client didn't you? I bet you masturbated to the thought of the police beating him up!
I tried to email inexperiencedpunter as you PMd me but it says you have messaging disabled so I cant reply to you.

Oh well.
Obvious troll is obvious. BORING! Next!
(04-12-2015, 14:56)inexperiencedpunter Wrote:
(04-12-2015, 14:24)beauvoir Wrote:
Love the fact that she doesn't shave her pubes

Neither do I, come see me on cam if you love a fully grown bush x
You will find that a lot of grown ups don't make their pussies look akin to that of a prepubescent child.

Glad to see it's caught on.
(05-12-2015, 08:50)kinkydirtybitch Wrote: You will find that a lot of grown ups don't make their pussies look akin to that of a prepubescent child.

Glad to see it's caught on.

I treat pubic hairs like Brussel sprouts........just push them to one side and keep eating.

Seriously though many years ago I once heard a feminist make this link between men who prefer a shaved pussy and latent paedo tendancies, it has nothing to do with how the pussy looks it simply enhances the pleasure of oral don't get hair in your mouth. I shave my balls, now I don't make my genitals look like the last turkey in the shop because I think it will give me the appearance of a boy but because I'm more likely to get my balls licked and sucked.

I unintentionally worked two references to Christmas dinner into that post didn't I.

I treat pubic hairs like Brussel sprouts........just push them to one side and keep eating.

Mmm munch crunch ... nom nom nom
this thread lololol

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