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Autopsy fetish?
I was wondering if any WGs would be comfortable catering for such a thing?

*rest of post snipped as inappropriate.
Make a booking and I will give you a fantasy autopsy if you promise to lie still and not move

I can imagine you may be put off by the idea- but if you die unexpectedly that will happen to your body and more at the hands of the autopsy doctor.
Come on, no need to be like that. In this particular fetish, it is important that it is me examining the woman's body, not the other way around.

Although it sounds sinister, it would just be me fondling her body whilst she lies still and pretends to be a corpse.

I would be playing the role of the pathologist.
Why don't you just ask a WG you like the look of on AW directly about this?

Also it's not ignorance to be put off by this. Being in a room whilst someone gets off on the thought of fondling your dead body isn't exactly pleasant, but you know that already.

We've heard every fantasy in the book so this isn't exactly niche or exciting for any of us. Best to just go ask the girls direct. It sounds like a nice easy job for someone willing to be in a room alone with you.
(04-12-2015, 13:49)Del Wrote: Why don't you just ask a WG you like the look of on AW directly about this?

Because he's a troll busily getting his kicks from talking utter bollocks on the forum.
IP your a sad pathetic waste of space, your not going to shock anyone because most of us who've been on forums for a while have seen it all before so it's time to crawl back under your stone, you really are wasting your time here.
I know a WG who does hanging/beheading/executioner fetishes. PM me and I'll pass on her details for you as I think she would love this.

And she's hot.
I do but you have no money.
(04-12-2015, 14:24)beauvoir Wrote: I know a WG who does hanging/beheading/executioner fetishes. PM me and I'll pass on her details for you as I think she would love this.

And she's hot.

I am confused, is that link in your post your AW profile or is that the girl you were talking about? The person in your link is a cam only girl. Love the fact that she doesn't shave her pubs though.

(04-12-2015, 13:49)Del Wrote: Why don't you just ask a WG you like the look of on AW directly about this?

Also it's not ignorance to be put off by this. Being in a room whilst someone gets off on the thought of fondling your dead body isn't exactly pleasant, but you know that already.

We've heard every fantasy in the book so this isn't exactly niche or exciting for any of us. Best to just go ask the girls direct. It sounds like a nice easy job for someone willing to be in a room alone with you.

WGs are expensive and when I can afford one, normally every few months, I just want to get my dick into her mouth as soon as possible without faffing around asking about fetishes.

I know the whole concept is off putting but it is the thought of the "gloves coming off" when a woman is dead that turns me on. For instance the pathologist is let loose on her body to examine her in anyway he deems fit to establish her cause of death, including many sexually oriented examinations that would never be allowed when she is alive.

I don't get off on human suffering, it's strictly limited to when a woman goes from a person to a lump of meat that I start getting turned on by these violating fantasies. And let's be honest, an autopsy is a disgusting violation of somebody's dignity.
Why not pop along to Asda and treat yourself to some liver ?
Pigs' liver is very cheap and if the' best before' price is near, you can get it for a fraction of the price.

Leave it in a warm room a while and you ll probably get just the kind of aroma needed to enhance your fantasy.

Glad to be of assistance .

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