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VAT update
i havent had anything returned to me
its not fair tho as i dropped my prices..i had to ..grrr Sad
So the price displayed will be the price we receive! Whoo hoo.
Hopefully things will get back to normal soon then and with a lot of guys getting a big refund there's money to be re spent on us.
Happy xmas girls x
I am over the moon . Everything is back to normal Big Grin .

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

everyone in group right now hasnt even realized this yet-there prices r still reduced
has anyone installed the old direct cam player then? do we have to?
(01-12-2015, 14:41)laura20 Wrote: has anyone installed the old direct cam player then? do we have to?

There's no need to do that. What makes you think you do? You only need to set your prices to whatever you like without compensating for VAT.
Been busy this week already, now with the guys' Christmas bonus/refunds, expect it to be brisk.
I am so pleased for them, couldn t help but feel bad about a sudden 20% price hike.
They ll be SO happy !
What a joke. They should have found out first and got all their facts right before creating all this mess for both sp's and the guys paying for our services. It's great news that things have finally been sorted and back to normal, but they have probably driven away a lot of traffic over this farce. I'm pleased but still very annoyed over it as it was all unnecessary and for nothing. The guys have got their money back which is great, unfortunately many of us girls suffered in the process, in terms of loss of earnings. A large company like this should not have dealt with things in such a rushed an unprofessional manner.
<== so true!!

Very happy about that I had only realised the change when I visited my profile and noticed my group was 1.25 when it was supposed to be 1.50! Thank goodness for that but it slowed down my income and I think it put guys off with being charged extra. They must of noticed less guys buying credits or profits going down or something x

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