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Punters Requesting Tours
(21-10-2015, 11:04)milfymouth Wrote: It has everything to do with the posting, you crave attention you got it.

Really? Again, that is your opinion, but I think I have questioned above a lot of what you have had to say and pointed out many of your misguided mistakes.

I was actually pointing out how guys will request people to tour in their area as it suits them, as usual it is all about what they want, what makes it easy for them to see you because that is what they want.

The guy in question, then continued to send emails, despite me saying no, and even sent me two more emails after I sent the above in my post.

The further two emails included how he was so busy at work and with family life that he would also only be able to see me on certain days. He also stated that he did not do gangbangs and was not interested in attending one.

His first request was actually for me to tour with another girl, so he could see us together. I never tour with anybody else and although I have done a gangbang with the other lady (I expect you read about it on my site) I have never worked with her or toured with her.

So the above shows, that despite saying no to the guy he was not happy with that, are you saying that you allow and tolerate guys treating you in that manner? Are you that desperate for business?

I did not include the first part of his request in my post as it is the first time I have had such a request and the point was more the general requests I get for touring to suit the guy, due to not being available in his area.

Personally, I do not think the above is acceptable. maybe you do, that is your point of view, I have mine.

But I am sure you have your own agenda for your personal attack on me rather than sticking to the point.

Sarah x x x
Oh crikey. Can't say I haven't had thoughts of my own about w4r's choices, but at the end of the day they are her own to make. You're both intelligent, experienced working ladies so why not chill out and get on? Smile
As I said before, your opinion on the matter is yours, and I have mine. But as a web cam girl I doubt if you have much experience in how escorts work and the free loaders they constantly encounter.

However, in the scenario you suggest, I am sure the hair dresser would not appreciate 3-4 calls a week requesting that they travel 100's of miles to do somebodies hair for the same amount of money that they charge locally and would laugh at the suggestion that they could cover their expenses by advertising locally to do others hair.

I also did actually suggest the guy visit me in Northampton as he was not far from there, but he was actually requesting, in this incident, that I would be available with somebody else, who i do not tour with. However, this guy then pestered me so I blocked him.

Once again you choose to take it to a personal level and i am not sure what you mean by what you say, as it is badly written But what I do as an escort or swinger, I never mention on this forum, it is you that seems insistent on keep bringing it up.

I was also quite surprised that you took the time & trouble to read through my web site, when it seems to upset you so much. It is also very weird to be paying to look at my private photos? Or is it just another thing that only I find odd?

I would have no interest in looking at your photos, visiting you in your cam room or reading your web site, should you have one, in such detail.

I never interact with any of the other girls on here in private unless contacted first, I do not go out of my way to look at their profiles and as I said above, would have no interest in looking at any of them on web cam or paying to see their private pictures. that is something that men are very well known for.

As you say "Business is business" but this was not business as business involves the taking of money. If you read through my web site you will have noticed that I have cut back the amount I now work, I am busy enough the days I do work and if I wanted more business I would work more.

The one thing that I do find amusing is:

(21-10-2015, 22:47)milfymouth Wrote: ...because who would make a product that they were serious about selling look so very unattractive?????

As I have said before, it has a proven track record of working and is read by both potential clients and regulars. Another girl posted a gangbang on my site today and the post has already been read 100 times

My web site has very few posts other than what I do get up to, which is not that often, I am sure that I am missing out on a marketing trick by not doing a sexy post at least twice a week, the things I could write about if I could really be bothered and had the imagination of a man to do so.

You may not agree with the way I promote myself, you may not like it, you may (as you keep saying) find it unattractive, but then I am not trying to appeal to you, you are not a potential punter that will visit me. But the real punters, the ones that do visit me and keep coming back for more, do like it.

Marketing is the key to keeping busy....

Sarah x x x
(20-10-2015, 17:42)Pixie Wrote: If you think it would be worth adding another date/place by getting enough business then go for it. If the extra tour day is just for one client then I'd say to offer him a session at the hotel when you go to see Rod Stewart. That way there's no way that you can lose anything if he doesn't turn up or cancels.

An the award for not reading the thread properly before posting a comment goes to DRUM ROLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pixie.
Strangely I would probably have to agree with Sarah on this one, you might contact a touring wg to ask if she has plans to visit your area but actually trying to convince her to do it is probably not going to get you very far but as for starting a thread just to call him an idiot well was it really justified.

As you know I think Sarah's clients are all idiots if they tolerate the double booking thing, there is absolutely no way I would suffer that.
Nova if you've got fed up with arguing with Wife4Rent and your looking for some one new to argue with, then you won't find an argument with me. Find someone else.
(22-10-2015, 01:59)Pixie Wrote: Nova if you've got fed up with arguing with Wife4Rent and your looking for some one new to argue with, then you won't find an argument with me. Find someone else.

Don't worry Pixie they've mastered kidney transplants, lung transplants, heart transplants I'm sure sense of humour transplants are not far away put your name on the list.
(22-10-2015, 00:24)wife4rent Wrote: As I said before, your opinion on the matter is yours, and I have mine. But as a web cam girl I doubt if you have much experience in how escorts work and the free loaders they constantly encounter.

However, in the scenario you suggest, I am sure the hair dresser would not appreciate 3-4 calls a week requesting that they travel 100's of miles to do somebodies hair for the same amount of money that they charge locally and would laugh at the suggestion that they could cover their expenses by advertising locally to do others hair.

I also did actually suggest the guy visit me in Northampton as he was not far from there, but he was actually requesting, in this incident, that I would be available with somebody else, who i do not tour with. However, this guy then pestered me so I blocked him.

Once again you choose to take it to a personal level and i am not sure what you mean by what you say, as it is badly written But what I do as an escort or swinger, I never mention on this forum, it is you that seems insistent on keep bringing it up.

I was also quite surprised that you took the time & trouble to read through my web site, when it seems to upset you so much. It is also very weird to be paying to look at my private photos? Or is it just another thing that only I find odd?

I would have no interest in looking at your photos, visiting you in your cam room or reading your web site, should you have one, in such detail.

I never interact with any of the other girls on here in private unless contacted first, I do not go out of my way to look at their profiles and as I said above, would have no interest in looking at any of them on web cam or paying to see their private pictures. that is something that men are very well known for.

As you say "Business is business" but this was not business as business involves the taking of money. If you read through my web site you will have noticed that I have cut back the amount I now work, I am busy enough the days I do work and if I wanted more business I would work more.

The one thing that I do find amusing is:

(21-10-2015, 22:47)milfymouth Wrote: ...because who would make a product that they were serious about selling look so very unattractive?????

As I have said before, it has a proven track record of working and is read by both potential clients and regulars. Another girl posted a gangbang on my site today and the post has already been read 100 times

My web site has very few posts other than what I do get up to, which is not that often, I am sure that I am missing out on a marketing trick by not doing a sexy post at least twice a week, the things I could write about if I could really be bothered and had the imagination of a man to do so.

You may not agree with the way I promote myself, you may not like it, you may (as you keep saying) find it unattractive, but then I am not trying to appeal to you, you are not a potential punter that will visit me. But the real punters, the ones that do visit me and keep coming back for more, do like it.

Marketing is the key to keeping busy....

Sarah x x x

"The lady (lol) doth protest too much, methinks"
(22-10-2015, 01:58)Nova70 Wrote: Strangely I would probably have to agree with Sarah on this one, you might contact a touring wg to ask if she has plans to visit your area but actually trying to convince her to do it is probably not going to get you very far but as for starting a thread just to call him an idiot well was it really justified.

You could say that for many threads, the thread about the guy who turned up to a booking and then refused to call the girl just because he did not get through the first time, what was that all about?

(22-10-2015, 01:58)Nova70 Wrote: As you know I think Sarah's clients are all idiots if they tolerate the double booking thing, there is absolutely no way I would suffer that.

I don't blame you...

When I worked in Luton last, both the guys who booked for midday did not turn up, as I suspected they would not, but the 12.15 did.

(22-10-2015, 08:51)milfymouth Wrote: "The lady (lol) doth protest too much, methinks"

That is probably because when you read my posts they are structured, clear and concise and defend your accusations, rather than just a jumbled rant on a personal level that you seem to write. Your posts are inconsistent and many are incorrect.

When I have pointed out things in my replies to your posts, you have ignored them as you do not know how or cannot answer them.

Actually it is not about protesting (as you say),

I am more questioning your motives for your very personal attack on me, as well as some of your actions, which, as I said above, I find slightly odd, for a female, but not a man.

I will leave you all to it as I am away shopping for the weekend.


Sarah x x x
This is the most ridiculous thread I've ever read. We are all supposed to be adults and, in the sector we work, you would think non-judgemental.

Get a grip and let people run their business the way they decide to. Its none of anyone's business. And the fact that these posts are so long suggests to me you all have an amazing amount of time on your hands!
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Twitter: @LolaLuxx1

"Flirting is a woman’s trade, one must keep in practice"


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