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Debt Collection
I am owed some £7000 from an ex mate and also have a ccj to confirm he does owe me the money. I know have to get him to pay me the money even though I have speant around £1000 taking him to court and proving he does owe the money.

Does anyone know of any debt collectors who might work on a no-win no fee basis or a debt collector who would buy the debt for a % of the debt (For example, buy the £7000 for 30% of the debt)

Also does anyone know if I can go after his wife for this money (He has just got married and I suspect it is "my" money he has used to pay for the wedding......

I don't know anyone with a baseball bat otherwise I may have gone down that route a long time ago....

What is really winding me up is if I had that money I would not be in the situation where I would have to sell my car cause I cannot afford to pay for it.
Can't help sorry

I have some letters from debt collectors who purchase debts. I'll hunt them out.

I'm not sure about going after the wife. That's a bit unfair on her. I would be pissed if I married a guy and was expected to pay his debts.

It's tough, and i've been there. Lent 5k to someone to get them out of my and my family's life. (hence i was the one ended up with all the debts). Never got it back.

Best of luck to you whatever you decide.
Hi Sugar,

Thanks if you can help. As for the wife - she was aware of the debt and stood against me in court. They both told me that they would repay me the money so as far as Im concerned she is a good enough target for me!

I would seriously suggest you take proper advice on this matter citizens advice solicitor tey maybe be able to point lou in the direction of smalls claims courts or something similar,i personally would stay well clear from small ads in newspapers they will probably end up wanting more back from you than what you re actually owed in the first place tread carefully
Sorry to hear your in this position. They do say that no good deed goes unpunished. Whatever else it costs you, get professional advice before doing anything else. As you may discover some things are not worth the paper they are written on and CCJ's can be no different. As for collectors, it sounds like your looking for that guy with the baseball bat you don't know, but if he dosen't have the money he dosen't have the money. Perhaps as an ex mate you might know him well enough to know another way to be, shall we say, influential?

I hope at some point you get some satisfaction, if not some of your money.

Emily - I've already done that and gone to court and got a ccj against him. The court has decided he owes me the money. That is where it ends. I know have to make him pay the money - the courts cannot make him do that/

Nutrunner - thank you and maybe you are right - maybe it's just about satisfaction now. Is that wrong?
He's a twat, and has been spinning stories, so probably spun a load of crap to his missus!
We know for a fact he's cheated on his wife numerous times, and boasted about it infront of us.
Calls himself a Christian too...ha! Yeh by punching peoples windows in if they cut him up on the road.
Just a shame we trusted this guy, and let my son really like him.
also really annoying thing is that he lives local to us so i keep bumping in to him.. Keep checking that his car isn't around before I go in the shops.
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I don't know if this is of any help

or this

So he used to be a mate i no its probably a long shot but can you not shame him within mutual friends i have used the heavy hand in the past and did not end up being any better off,does his wife know about the situation if it were me I would hate to think that if I married someone and it was funded under these circumstances it would put a whole outlook on my marriage if not keep the pressure on without any threats good luck

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