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My 'not so happy' birthday treat
Hey all,
My first post on the site and unfortunately for me not with a smile on my chops Sad
I'm pretty much a newbie to punting as you call it i suppose with just a few (great) bookings this year to treat myself yooooo know :p
Well, i'll share my latest experience and hopefully somebody can come forward and enlighten me as to what i'm missing, or just tear me a new arse because you can, i can take it provided you do it with enthusiasm Smile
Last night i send a message to a wg on tour relatively closeby to where i live to make a booking via adultwork ok,
She replied, ofc with enthusiasm, and suggested i call her on her given phone number.
So i do so, she answers, lovely voice (i'm melting on the phone literally) i ask her if she's available for 10pm the next day which was supposed to be tonight, she says yes she's available and that she'll text me with the details (location), so i'm like nice one thank you babe speak soon, end of conversation.
Today at midday i still have no text, so i text her asking if she is ok and tell her i have received no test, i get no reply.
Ok so i leave it until 8:30 tonight and i call her, no answer, i get a text message saying ''missed call x'', so i call again, no answer, wait 20 minutes and call again (getting pissed off now) no answer, waited another 10 minutes bare in mind it's less than an hour until our supposed booking time now, and call one last time, no answer so i leave a message telling her i'm no longer in the mood and that her comms are terrible (a polite rant),
Then she texts me saying ''I don't know who you are piss off!'' like wtf!!!!!
I'm thinking is she a meth head or what Confused
Then she sends me another message saying she missed another of my calls and tried to call me!
I received no calls from her at all.
I text her (getting f#####d off with the texting by now) again to say that i'm no longer interested and asked her why she couldn't have just texted me to say ''sorry i have to cancel'' or ''sorry i've seen your previous feedback and you suck lol!''
She replies that ''I never rang her to confirm the booking!''
Omg by now i'm throthing at the mouth why is she screwing with me like this?
Are there other wg's around that pull this bs or am i missing something?
Could it be that one of my previous 2 feedbacks has been sarcastic or something to warn other wg's off in the hope i would go back? lol
Or as someone suggested on here is there some black mark or something wg's can put next to my name to warn other wg's off?
I'm struggling to think of a birthday that ended in such a shite way tbh, i don't think i deserved this...or did i?
Well DT getting blown out when you think everything is agreed does happen I'm afraid I'd say about 10 to 20% of the time, can be any number of reasons perhaps she had a better offer or perhaps she'd already had a good day money wise and just didn't need anymore or maybe she just didn't feel like it, I do find the part of your story where you say she told you to piss off in a text a little hard to believe, in my experience you usually don't hear anything at all, you think everything is arranged but comms just go dead close to the time of the meet itself.

As for the hidden feedback thing it's never been confirmed or denied to me by a wg so I really don't know perhaps one of the ladies can help you with that.
I must admit at first thought it did cross my mind that she had been made a better offer it would have made perfect sense but then the majority of our exchanges up to the point that i decided to turn my phone off were actually during our so called agreed booking time so i doubt she was entertaining anyone at that time tbh,
I can assure you she did tell me to piss off, if the rules weren't so strict here with regards to insulting others i would give a video link showing everything and put her name out there for all to see for what she truly is, a nasty piece of work,
My guess is that i've been very lucky with my first 2 meets and i've just come across a nut job third time out, i did take the time to check her feedback and the majority of it was good but there was a negative feedback some time ago for a very similar situation, i should have smelt a rat when she told me to arrange the booking by call instead of booking via the aw system, never again,
She could have just sent me a text at any time to cancel, no problem, move on, crazy.
(01-07-2015, 23:38)Distraughttiger Wrote: Today at midday i still have no text, so i text her asking if she is ok and tell her i have received no test, i get no reply.

I get so many idiots text me every day, as you had a booking with her why did you not call her?

Did you give proper details in your text or did you just send the usual idiot text message as above "asking if she is ok and tell her i have received no test" - When will guys learn that you are not the only idiot contacting us so how are we meant to know who you are?

A text message saying "I have a booking with you at 10pm tonight can you text me the address details", would work so much better and show you are not a complete idiot.

(01-07-2015, 23:38)Distraughttiger Wrote: Ok so i leave it until 8:30 tonight and i call her, no answer, i get a text message saying ''missed call x'', so i call again, no answer, wait 20 minutes and call again (getting pissed off now) no answer, waited another 10 minutes bare in mind it's less than an hour until our supposed booking time now, and call one last time, no answer so i leave a message telling her i'm no longer in the mood and that her comms are terrible (a polite rant),

You leave it for 8 hrs before contacting her again and its her fault that time is running out?

When you say you called her after getting her text, you mean that you maybe waited a while to do it and in between that time the girl took in a client, you then call her back in 20 minutes and get pissed off knowing full well that her escort booking may be 30-60 minutes so she is unable to answer the phone.

From experience, I have just returned from a 3 night tour in Manchester, many guys were disappointed not to get a booking even though I do back to back bookings, but I was extremely busy. I had over 100 guys call me for a booking, some guys rang me several times and got very frustrated that I did not take their call, I could tell by the text messages they sent, even accusing me of being fake. I do not answer the phone if I am with a client.

I can't please everybody. - Today is not your day and tomorrow is not looking good....
Maybe i never explained myself clearly enough, maybe you would prefer to see things from her point of view i don't know, but what i do know is that the way she handled the whole thing was terrible,

When i rang her at about 9:30pm on tuesday she confirmed that she was available and that ''There would be no problem meeting me at 10pm the following day'', she went on to say that she would ''text me with the postcode'', now i don't know what type of people you've been dealing with but as far as i'm concerned that pretty much means we're good to go especially seeing as i had already made contact with her half hour previous via the adultwork message system and she gave me her number and asked me to call,

Now i see myself as a pretty patient guy, in all honesty i expected a text back with the postcode immediately but later that night thought from her point of view it's probably safer to send it on the day of the booking because there are clearly some weirdo's stalkers whatever about,
Now i have had great communications with both my previous bookings, even had another booking arranged but she cancelled no problem...again with great comms,
I didn't think it right to call her straight off the bat at midday on the day of the booking i understand some wg's might not be too impressed with that, so i sent her a harmless friendly text, just one, to ask if she was ok and to notify her that i had received no text with the postcode as promised, (In your experienced point of view that would pretty much have been me looking for confirmation of the booking in my own non invasive friendly way),
No answer ....NO PROBLEM YET.

Now i had about a half hour travel time to the location area so me ringing her at 8:30pm yes was like a last ditch effort to find out what was going on, i still had plenty of time to get there, (remember now it's not putting her schedule in turmoil SHE already had informed me we were good to go for 10pm),

The rest is as previously explained, now please don't treat me like an idiot i may not be part of the adultwork furniture around here but nor am i one of your typical 100 cold callers per day asking you stupid questions with no respect for your business, i have common sense it's well within my price range dear!
So knowing that she had already confirmed her availability and promised to text the postcode for the arranged meet time i would love to hear you dig up an excuse for the texts i received inbetween my attempts to call her from 8:30pm onward saying ''missed call x'',
I know that i can put your mind to rest with regards to her making other bookings because you think i should have harassed her throughout the day for a postcode like a jumped up teen getting all excited or something,
I'm more inclined to think that the previous poster was closer to the truth and she probably just had a good nights earnings or just didn't feel like it, i know she wasnt seeing anyone during our agreed meet time and if she was then i don't think he would have enjoyed having her on the phone throughout their meet,
I can understand your experiences with cold calls more than likely would do your head right in but let's not be tarring me with the same brush eh.
I'm afraid getting blown out is something you just have to live with as a punter it comes with the territory it can even happen when your outside the address but remember wgs have an even bigger problem with no shows, sorry it happened on your birthday and all but I doubt it has anything to do with you personally or drug addiction on the part of the wg, why would you assume from a few texts that she might be a "meth head". A few times earlier in the year I attempted to book a fairly popular wg, AW emails, texts and calls but got no response at all, I was polite and courteous and from my emails she could see my very good feedback and on the days I got in touch her available today light was on, I'm just pointing out comms can be difficult at the best of times.
It was just how things played out mate, i can handle being blown out no problem at all, but i can't handle being messed about when she could have just text or called me at any time to cancel,
If she had completely ignored all calls and the texts or even blew me out 2 minutes before the booking still no problem, maybe some fuel lost but no big deal i still have a fat wallet and can just book with somebody else,
But when i'm calling her, getting no answer, then receiving a text which is clearly intended to get me to call again, 2 or 3 times i don't care how mentally challenged you are that's being messed about,
Only when i decided to pull the plug entirely she decided to start sending texts saying ''who are you? i don't know you piss off!'' like is that in line with anything that has happened? i don't think so,
If you were me..last night you would be thinking along the same lines, and if it's not a drug related problem or just a plain bitch problem then maybe she suffers from dementia and should make a thing of stating it on her profile, i have no doubt in my mind she was messing me around right up to the point i pulled the plug and told her i would expose her on here for what she has done, then she decided to get all chirpy funny that huh.
Bottom line what would you advise to avoid nut jobs like this in future?
Never ever agree to book outside of adultwork booking system is one that comes to mind...
@ Distraughttiger - I really do think your missing the point and your long winded rant goes to show that you can not break things down into simple bullet points to work out how things went wrong. Of course it is all her fault, why would it not be?

You advise not to book using the AW system yet we have another punter on here complaining that he did not get to see the girl when he did use the AW system. the truth is that neither way are the right way.

Quiet simply there was a misunderstanding, and yes she may have forgotten to text you the details as she may have got busy (it happens) if you did not make it clear to her that you had a booking then to her you are probably just classed as another idiot that is sending text messages.

Sarah x x x

PS Me thinks this probably "ward" signed up again, the same meaningless ranting.

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