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keeping fit
hi guys, would love to know how you all keep fit and looking good for cam. Any tips appreciated. I was thinking of getting an exercise bike and going on that for an hr a day, doing squats etc. Not really knowledgable at all when it comes to exercise lol
I don't know how the women here keep fit, but coming from a guy who likes keeping fit and is somewhat knowledgeable.

It really depends how hard you want to work and what kind of shape you want to be in. I would say definitely interval running/sprints is the best form of cardio for losing weight and toning up. Basically, you're just either running fast or sprinting for 20-30 seconds (or longer depending on your fitness levels) and then either jog or walk for 30 seconds to a minute to rest, then repeat this for 8-10 times or equivalent to around 15-20 minutes.

However, i am assuming your fitness levels are not the best, so it's a good idea to start off by fast jogging (not sprinting) for 30 seconds, then rest by brisk walking for 1 minute.

As well as this, weight training is great for toning up and, no, you won't get big muscles (LOL) but you should start out slowly if you're not used to this kind of training. Just try with weights (dumbbells or barbells) that are heavy enough for you to feel comfortable lifting for between 8-12 repetitions for 3-4 sets. There are a lot of exercises you can do, such as bicep curls and tricep pushdowns for arm toning, chest presses for chest muscles; shoulder pressing/raises for shoulder building, etc, etc.

If you want to build up your butt muscles, then squats are good, but be careful to squat light weights that aren't too heavy, otherwise you can injure yourself if not performed properly. Leg press machines are good too, and also lunges are great. However, the interval runs i mentioned in my first paragraph are also very good for building up your glute muscles.

Do you plan on doing these exercises at home or at a gym? If the latter, then it's probably ideal that you get some advice from a personal trainer. If you plan on training at home then there are many sites online for fitness information. I will try find a couple links and post them here so you're not utterly confused by some of my advice lol.

If you have any other questions on fitness, feel free to ask and i will try my best to give good advice.
Great advice Dornish_Prince Smile

I have been on a mission the last 6 month. I go either to the gym or swimming for 1 hr every day. (hard work to keep the motivation up ). I do better going to the gym then doing the exercise at home, it gets me out , some fresh air and the personal trainer will give you tips.

If the gym is not for you, go on youtube , its amazing the amount of great exercise you find on there.

I can send some links too

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2nd that great advice , I have lost some weight recently , this consists of me going on the kinect and playing kinect sports and I love dance nation hahaha , also dog working , nothing beats it a long relaxing walk on a sunny day , also I try and get my 6000 steps per day xx
Long walks are great , it clears you head, you get fresh air and get fit at the same time . Big Grin

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I love them Claudia, so does my dog hehe xx
well thanks for all the advice guys :-)). I do go walking a lot (no dog though lol), i'll have to check out the vids on youtube x
(11-04-2015, 16:03)Sexxy-Claudia Wrote: Great advice Dornish_Prince Smile

I have been on a mission the last 6 month. I go either to the gym or swimming for 1 hr every day. (hard work to keep the motivation up ). I do better going to the gym then doing the exercise at home, it gets me out , some fresh air and the personal trainer will give you tips.

If the gym is not for you, go on youtube , its amazing the amount of great exercise you find on there.

I can send some links too

Yes, swimming is very good as well. You should try the intervals with swimming too. Actually, you can apply interval training to any cardio workout (including swimming) by going at full speed for 20-30 seconds, then going at a slow pace for 30/40 seconds to 1 minute.

Also, i forgot to mention that nutrition/diet is very important. a lot of the experts say that getting in shape is 20% training and 80% diet, so make sure you're putting nutritionally dense foods into your body.

Here is a good list of foods you should eat:

Meat: Beef/red meat (limit this to about 2x a week, especially steak), chicken, turkey, lamb, pork (again, limit to 2x a week due to fat content). If you're training in weights, protein from meat is important, and you should aim for around 1g to 1.5g of protein per kg of bodyweight. You can also get protein from foods like seeds, nuts, pulses and beans, so remember that you don't have to rely on protein primarily from meat, in fact, it's much better if you don't rely getting your protein from meat as it's good to vary it up.

Fruits: Berries, apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, currants, dates, figs, grapefruit, grapes, kiwis, lemons, limes, mangos, melons, nectarines, olives, oranges, papayas, peaches, pears, persimmons, pine­apple, quince, raisins, raspberries, strawberries, tangerines, and water­melon. (The most alkaline-forming foods are lemons and melons.)

Vegetables: Artichoke, asparagus, sprouts, beets, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, col­lards, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, endive, ginger, horseradish, kale, kelp, seaweeds, mustard greens, okra, onions, parsley, potatoes, rad­ishes, spinach, squash, tomatoes, watercress, and yams.

Whole Grains: Amaranth, barley, oats, quinoa, and wild rice.

Beans/Legumes: Almonds, chestnuts, chickpeas, green beans, lima beans, peas, and soybeans.

Seeds: Alfalfa, chia, coconut, radish, and sesame.

Drinks: Try to stick to drinking just water during the day, but if this is too difficult, then you can always buy some water flavouring to make the water taste a bit better.

Also, green tea is great too, and other herbal teas too are all great alternatives to normal tea/coffee. If you struggle with green tea on it's own, then you can add a little bit (such as a teaspoon) to that green tea to give it taste.

Just remember to keep a varied, balanced diet and include all types of the above foods and you should be in great shape soon. With summer coming up it's a good idea to maybe go for hour long walks in the morning early, or for a morning run/sprints down the park.

I would say working out really early is great because it leaves you with the rest of the day free. Also, if you do decide to workout really early, aim to not eat anything because this will mean your body burns the fat first, rather than your muscles (it's all very scientific! lol).

Good luck!
From someone who has always struggled with motivation for exercising, I will say that an exercise bike gets boring FAST. I have a little peddler thing which I use when Im watching tv. I can use it when Im on the sofa. I think they are called mini exercise bikes. Argos sell them.
Thanks Dornish Prince for all your advice & tips.

Have to say been working out for an hour each early morning before everyone gets up to a DVD sweat buckets still the same weight as always never changes I eat ok dont snack on crap do enjoy an alcoholic drink or 3 each day but you got to live life lol just feel better for doing it. So sometimes I think you are what you are whatever you do and as for my gut that NEVER goes whatever amount of situp & toning excersises so just be happy all x

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