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Pregnant by punter
I appreciate many of you may think this is a windup/joke but it really is not. I haven't used my real username on here because I want to remain ANON and since then I have deleted my adult work account. I am just seeking help because I have no one else to talk to who I can be blatantly honest about my situation with.

I have been an escort since I was 20 and I am 22. I was an escort due to having to move out at an early age, could afford rent and bills but couldn't afford luxuries so decided to become and escort. Loved how much I earned and decided to continue whilst working full time in the day 4 days a week.

I made the big mistake of not going on back up contraception, I used condoms all the time so thought all would be ok but realized it was probably foolish. Long story short I had missed a few periods, took a test each month was negative so thought maybe my cycle had messed up. I went to the doctors last week to ask about my cycles. They took a blood test to determine if I was pregnant and got a phone call a few days later informing me I was. Obviously I was so shaken and they booked me a scan, I was expecting me to about 4 weeks if that but as I couldn't be 100% sure they booked me anyway.

I went to the hospital Thursday for my scan, my friend had a scan at 4 weeks and I went with her, there was nothing on the screen apart from a dot so I figured I would clarify I was 4 weeks pregnant then I could get the abortion pill. But it didn't, It informed me I was 15 weeks pregnant and it was an actual baby on the screen, they even gave me photos. I asked them for my conception date and they have given me an approx date. I checked back on messages and my diary and that date I did sleep with some one. I hadn't slept with anyone 5 days prior to that date and the next person I slept with after that date was 8 days later.

Obviously I have not told him and probably never will regardless of the outcome. I have never been maternal but I feel like after seeing the baby I just can not condone taking away the life of a "thing" that looks so much like a little growing baby. The midwifes asked about the father when they had to record information and I just made up aload of stuff saying it was an ex and hes not involved. I haven't told my friends/family (they don't know about me escorting)

I just feel like I don't know what to do anymore. Has anyone been in this situation?
I think the ex story is a good story to tell. If you can bring it in a way that it was an accident, but you broke up and you totally don't want to see him anymore or even talk about him.
Because... you found him in bed with someone else.

Then people will understand you and probably won't ask about him anymore.

If you want to keep your baby, then keep it!
I don't think there is any right or wrong here.

Just follow your feelings.

If others don't approve..
It's so hard to ignore, but it's the best thing to do.
You live your life, not theirs.

The father, I think that I'd do the same thing as you do. Don't tell him.
Unless I really really feel that I got to tell him and that I can tell him about it.

Some men will freak out and demand for an abortion because a baby could ruin their own lives and totally ignore your feelings that you have for your baby.
What doesn't know doesn't hurt and won't hurt you!

I'm married and doing webcam.
We wanted to have a child and we did.
I had some very hurtful messages on adultwork from men on there.

Most of my family and friends don't really know what I do for work.
Those who did know where happy for us and don't really mind that I'm a webcam model.

But some comments can really make you feel upset. At some moments it was so difficult. Also some men were so twisted. They can look at porn and that's ok. But as a mother working as a model is totally wrong? It was for girls and mothers shouldn't be doing any dirty stuff anymore?!?!?! They should just be a mum...
Yeah, and then you can come to us and complain why your wife doesn't want to have any sex with you anymore and that justifies you cheating on your wife... Weirdo's!

I even got someone trying to change me into a Christian like him. He stopped messaging me when I asked what he did on Adultwork as a good Christian and if he wanted to pay my bills for when I'd stop working as a model.

You can pm me if you'd like to know more about how it is to do the webcam while being pregnant.
If everything goes OK, after you've had the baby I would think about telling the client you suspect might be the father. You can stress that you don't want anything from him, but felt he had the right to know. At some point down the line, you or he might want more involvement, so I would at least let him know, and e.g. arrange a DNA test if he wants to know for sure.

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