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'Prostitute' or 'Prossie' - What are your feelings about these words...
It has nothing to do with the word, more the attitude of the modern day 'punter' and the benefits of the web. We reap what we sow, so they say....

First you have to ask yourself, how does it effect you? Are you just offended by what you read or do you experince the effect in real life?

The internet makes everything so real and in your face. so many girls now seem to enjoy do much sexual activity and advertise it so willingly. This was not the norm "Pre-Internet", when most girls in suburbia, advertise in the local paper, with a very demure "Full relaxing body massage"

And with the internet & increase in business came the 'gangs' of punters, no longer were they passing bodies on the way in / out of an establishment, they can communicate, connect with each other, tell there stories, exchange fantasies etc...

And with all 'gangs', they are strong in numbers, but as usual, with all bullies / gang members (UKP included) when they are after your pussy, they turn to milk and become all 'fluffy'.

1-2-1 they are the same they have always been, Don't let it get to you...

Sarah x x x
(07-02-2015, 03:37)wife4rent Wrote: It has nothing to do with the word, more the attitude of the modern day 'punter' and the benefits of the web. We reap what we sow, so they say....

First you have to ask yourself, how does it effect you? Are you just offended by what you read or do you experince the effect in real life?

The internet makes everything so real and in your face. so many girls now seem to enjoy do much sexual activity and advertise it so willingly. This was not the norm "Pre-Internet", when most girls in suburbia, advertise in the local paper, with a very demure "Full relaxing body massage"

And with the internet & increase in business came the 'gangs' of punters, no longer were they passing bodies on the way in / out of an establishment, they can communicate, connect with each other, tell there stories, exchange fantasies etc...

And with all 'gangs', they are strong in numbers, but as usual, with all bullies / gang members (UKP included) when they are after your pussy, they turn to milk and become all 'fluffy'.

1-2-1 they are the same they have always been, Don't let it get to you...

Sarah x x x

Fingers crossed, no comment lol
It's not really a case of liking the word or not, it's a job title, and that of a career that has been around for many thousands of years. Prostitution is to have & give sex for money, as is a prostitute. An escort is paid for her time.
The way to decide whether you're a prostitute or an escort is whether you charge for your time & anything goes, well, with your personal limits. Or whether you charge for a bj, a fuck, anal, with or without & charge different prices.
I've never changed my prices, my hourly or weekend rate remains the same, whether I'm just conversing, listening, sucking or fucking, with or without. So I'd be offended to be called a prostitute, like a nurse would if called a doctor. They're different jobs.
(18-10-2011, 23:17)DivineMissG Wrote: I personally feel these words have a hugely negative connotation... I believe there is a small distinction between a prostitute and an escort... But then in the end I guess it's all much of a muchness...

What do you think?

Whenever I hear these words, I feel they give entertainers a bad label. Escorting and prostitution are two different entities alrogether. I therefore never like this word being associated.
I really do not consider the word to be a "bad" word. Escort is so misleading, people try and pretend they are escorts as selling sex is beneath them.

Most escorts sell sex, the only reason (most) guys see escorts is to have sex, they may enjoy a stimulating chat before the "FIVE" minutes of wonder, which is why I am happy to be a prostitute and just sell what the guy wants without dressing it up.

But each and every person has to justify what they are doing and why, so both men & women are often keem to "pretend" they seek other reasons for what they do. But we all know the truth and you can not hide from that.

Sarah x x x
(Post deleted as it's all swear words, not even sure what you're trying to say - PrincessJenny)
It really doesnt bother me, all it is is a job description. To be honest I think we should use it, the more we use it the less power it hands to the haters to use as an insult towards us which is how a lot of people do use it online. Why hand then more, take back the word I say, its ours anyway.
Loose morals, tight fanny…isn't that enough?
Oh look, now they are all beating tiny fists on chests over there about this thread lol
Loose morals, tight fanny…isn't that enough?
I just posted to the UKP site as My_Twat_Friends

Re: Using the term 'Pro$$ies' shows a total lack of respect.

I have no problem with the term prostitute / prossie and often use it myself, I do not pretend to be an escort etc,, apart from it is a marketing term, punters like to use as it hides the fact they use prostitutes?

Thank Nik for his compliments but PLEASE get your facts right?

Yes I am a skank, prostitute and fuck for money, but it is YOUR money....

Sarah x x x AKA (W4R)

PS.... ?

The post was marked - This message is awaiting approval by a moderator. - which I know will not get elevated, unfortunately the guys are just people that pay for prostitutes, many are married, 80+%

I have been banned from the site for speaking my mind and also because something I said was taken out of context by an idiot who they glorify, Nik calls me a "Skank" but has no reason too and it is totally unfounded as he does not know me, but rationality for these guys does not exist

I have said it may times before and will say it again and again, THEY DO NOT MATTER.... IGNORE THEM

Sarah x x x

PS... Update!

My_Twat_Friends, you are banned from using this forum! This ban is not set to expire.

They dont seem to like being told the truth?
Oh god I could sign up there again...I just can't be bothered though. The guys who have a brain check all the links they post up slagging us off then go off and find our reviews elsewhere and visit us anyway if they like the look of us, they weigh up the all the good compared to the tiny amount of bad and make informed decisions. Do I really want a booking from someone who ignores 100 reviews on 4 other websites combined and believes hook line and sinker the ONE review I have on not really.

To be honest I have had three guys tell me after the booking that they came to see me because they know Im NOT popular on that site and it tickles them to go against the other that he had read my bad review on there but likes to make up his own mind so came to see me anyway.

They dont realise that the guys who post regularly on there have a sort of hive mentality but MOST of their users do not post on there or do so infrequently and they dont subscribe to the hive, they use their own judgement, they just dont shout about it on the that forum because they know teddys will be thrown at them and they will get banned because you are not allowed to be a member if you like escorts they dont like.

Its all free advertising..every link leads to people viewing our profiles and ultimately some of those will make bookings. Even the bad reviews bring profile views and once they are on our profiles they read our real reviews.

They are now trying to say that escorts who disagree with that site will treat their customers badly and give bad service...*sigh*...again, our reviews elsewhere prove them wrong on that count too. Its about self respect, no female with self respect could possibly agree with that website but at the same time surely only women with self respect could have respect for others including their clients.
Loose morals, tight fanny…isn't that enough?

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