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Notification on AW about the Site Connectivity Problems
For anyone who hasnt seen the latest notification on AW :

"We are painfully aware that since Friday 13 June the Site has been intermittently unavailable or on a "go slow" for short periods. We have full visibility of those times and how long it lasts for and of course a full understanding of the inconvenience this is causing everyone.

Several other network-related changes that had to be made in this timeframe have also been made. Due to complications with those changes further problems were encountered, mainly to do with the uploading and delivery of movies and images, along with some login and session management changes. Both of these latter changes are now complete and everything is in order.

Despite our best efforts, the main problem however has yet to be resolved. This is not due to any lack of commitment from the technical team who have been working around the clock to establish the cause of the problem. Various procedures will be undertaken early in the morning on Tuesday (24th) to try and rectify the issues.

The majority of the Membership will understand the challenges we face and we thank them for their patience, perseverance and commitment.

Regrettably some have seen this as an opportunity to spread misinformation. is not being hacked, attacked, sold, wound up or anything of that nature. Providing 24/7 access to the number one adult worker directory is, always has been and always will be our prime objective. Until we are achieving this, we shall not rest.

Thank you."

Lets hope the problems on site are sorted soon Smile x x x
I saw that today too! I have been away since the 12th so I hadn't noticed the same problems but glad to know it will be sorted soon

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