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Email a customer once your JustCamIt session is over
I'm another one who likes to keep in contact. I find it really helps build the kind of relationship that ensures they keep coming back. If I can't email them I usually leave encouraging feedback asking them to keep in touch and that works really well Smile
I know that some guys can tick not to be searched, but if you are verified the client connections search works better, then you can go into their profile and email them. Saying that the normal works sometimes too.
Another way is to click on the number next to their feedback then on their name. That opens an email window.
I never pester even my faves but sometimes it is nice to drop a line to say thanks, but that is more if I want to possibly meet them as an escort. (When I'm feeling the need)
Always horny for you,


For a bit of naughty cam fun come find me Wink
Thanks for the answer babe, I am verified, but what is the client connections search, where do I find that? As I only see the customers names on my JustCamIt list and my credits list, their names don't have their feedback number in either of these places. I don't plan to pester anyone, just let them know I'm thinking about them so hopefully they will come back for more!
Go to the emails and bookings page on the aw website and click on client connections, from the the option in the top bar for client search, you can search for members, the get started page shows limited info. When I'm online tomorrow night I will on you a screen shot xxx
Always horny for you,


For a bit of naughty cam fun come find me Wink
as requested - then search on nickname in the bottom left

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Always horny for you,


For a bit of naughty cam fun come find me Wink
I have always found leaving a suggestive comment in their feedback works well. I have one particular client I wanted to contact after a directcam session as he is a normal big spender but had suddenly ended a session when I said something and I was worried I had blown it and lost my biggest spender, but at that time he had never emailed me so feedback was the only way - and his feedback is hidden from view so I know only he could read it.
I have never managed to get client connections to work, isn't it just standard email templates and not writing what you want to say?

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