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Email a customer once your JustCamIt session is over
I can't seem to find a way to stay in contact with a customer after the JustCamIt session is over. I see him in the list on JustCamIt, I see him in my list of credits, I try and copy his username and search for him, but cannot find a way to email him after our session is over. Does anyone know how to do this? Many thanks!
hi hun you can only email the client if they email you first or if they have contacted you via directchat you can check this via your directchat call history that's if you offer phone services or if they have booked an adultwork webcam session with you

if none of this has happened then you cant email them, not that I'm aware of anyway x

country-gal xxx
Thanks for your answer country-gal! It seems crazy that you can have all that interaction with a customer, yet have no way of sending them an email after the interaction. Wonder if there is a reason for that, or if it's just an oversight from AdultWorks? So, when you say directchat, is that the same thing as phone chat, or something different? I validated my mobile number and set myself to be available for phone chat a while ago, I get requests for phone chat booking, but by the column that said 'credits' it always said '0', could not figure out if this was guys thinking they could get a freebee, so put the whole phone chat thing on the back burner, jeeze, AdultWorks is a minefield of questions for me, so many things about it are confusing!

I think this maybe the second of many questions for me! Thanks for your help babe x
I.dont think not contacting them is a problem in fact if there is alot of interaction with a guy its proberly a good thing if you cant email them, unless they email first stops the possibility of infatuation from either party....
you have to keep a level head in this line of work although people have met and fallen in love meeting on sites like this
yes phone chat and directchat are the same except with directchat they ring straight away without needing to fill in the booking form
have fun honey
country-gal xxxx
I hear what you say babe, but personally I thought that encouraging a bit of infatuation was a good thing, as that usually leads to more ££ in this business, I was wondering about keeping in contact with the good customers/cammers to ask them to leave feedback and entice them back for more the next time. I work this way as a stripper, if you give them a way to contact you (I do email), they think they are special and are more likely to come back and spend more!

So when you get phone chat booking requests do they have an amount in the 'credit' column that is not '0' then? Still well confused about this bit :-S

Thanks again for all your help county-gal, it's a relief to chat to someone that knows about all this stuff Smile
That's a good Way of putting it just be careful but as you say your also an exotic dancer so know all about enticing but keeping a level head x
enjoy adultwork honey
Will do babe, thanks for all your help x
I think AW dont allow people providing services to contact people seeking services because otherwise we might constantly badger them for shows, which I am sure they don't want!

The only ways you can email them is if you reply to an email you already have from them, or check you webcam and phonechat bookings. As country gal says, if they are on your list then you can click on their name and mail them. Also works on sales items.

If you want to encourage them to contact you so you have an email from them, try leaving something in their feedback like 'email me for the free pin to pvt gallery' or something. It may work!
Thanks for the tip greeneyes! Now that I know it's not possible, I might just try something like that, it's a good idea Smile
Happy days x

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