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skype booking rejected
Hi all
today something weird happened i received a skype webcam booking and when i went to confirm i got this message
skype booking cancelled as scarlett69 confirmed booking first...
WTF is this about ?
never had this before ? Is this a new rule change also that other lasses can grab your webcam booking?
very worried
I think he booked you and scarlett69 at the same time and because she confirmed before you he cancelled your boking with a note.

I had that once happen with a phone chat booking. :-(

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I had that a few months ago, so not a new thing. I didn't know until then that customers could book more than one web cammer and the first to accept gets it. As I wasn't logged on for webcam or around at the time, by the time I new about the booking I had an email from AW saying that the booking had been cancelled as another had accepted.
My profile: MatureSally38K
Guys can book more then one webcam/phone booking and whoever accepts first , gets the booking. Yeah like maturesally said, nothing new. :-(

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Lol i was panicking the guy re booked me and explained he had booked several at once as didn't want to sit and wait to see who would accept
in all my time cammning i have never experienced this before hence i thought it was new
sorry gals just me jumping the gun
thanks for your response

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