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Two ideas!
Could we please have a tours calender, or failing that a tours topic section?

How about a 'Social gatherings' section, so anyone who fancies hosting a little party/gathering can advertise it on here?

I know some of us are looking at popping up to Scotland soon and I don't see why we couldn't have part of it at a pub or something if others want to meet up too. That is, if the guys are buying Tongue
Where are you planning to tour Kate

As far a socials go can I suggest that only a general area and and date are announced publicly and a response from interested parties actual time and venue are all done by pm via the person organising it
(24-05-2011, 17:40)Emily of Halifax Wrote: Where are you planning to tour Kate

As far a socials go can I suggest that only a general area and and date are announced publicly and a response from interested parties actual time and venue are all done by pm via the person organising it

I'm always touring Emily. I'm off to N.Ireland again in June and I'll be off again in August.

With reference to the social thing. I really just meant a place where people can talk about any pending social, but certainly not disclose any information about where it is being held other than the area. I don't see a problem in people putting their profile names down as interested parties, but all important info would have to be done in private.

Lots of other sites do this without having any problems.
You are right kate if they are arranged properly and discreetly it can work very well
OMG, can you imagine us all in a room?
(24-05-2011, 19:55)ShySmile Wrote: OMG, can you imagine us all in a room?

Come check out my profile
Or if you fancy a threesome click here

See my updates on Twitter @jayzee77cam
What map?

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