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Photo Content - Male Invite
Now I know that many of you think that any male contacting you to do shared content is a total scam / cheek etc, but I take each on it's own merit. having said that you also have to consider that you are dealing with the male brain (Cock).

So an invitation was given to me to be in shared content, he started with....

Would you be at all interested in doing a boy/girl shoot with meself? Please check out my profile. You would obviously be paid as i do not expect anyone to work for free!!

I am always open to somebody who wants to pay me money so enquired further, as he was local I thought why not ask him three simple questions, how hard can it be?

How much would you be looking to pay?
Who will be taking the photos?
Where will this take place?

His response was typical, only answer one question!

"Hi. I pay £50 plus half the photos which you can keep for your profile."

I would only get half the photos, I wonder who would choose which half I got?

If you had to pass an exam to own a computer / use the internet it would be a very quiet place!

Sarah x x x
I had a VERY similar email; paid content but only half the pictures were mine but I could choose the best ones, problem was; I live in Cheshire, he lives in Kent!

When I pointed this out he expected me to travel to his place free of charge!!

Suffice to say I declined his 'wonderful' offer lol
(21-02-2013, 12:56)wife4rent Wrote: "Hi. I pay £50 plus half the photos which you can keep for your profile."

I would have taken that to mean he pays half the cost of the photographer and you can keep copies of the photos? Maybe I need to take that intelligence test you mentioned! lol

I've though about getting some pics done with a guy, but frankly I have a number of clients who I know would be willing to model for me and I'd use my own photographer and book a studio of my choice.

Do these guys think we don't have access to a steady stream of willing individuals?
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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Call 07856 061172
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(21-02-2013, 20:18)Trinity-Belle Wrote: I would have taken that to mean he pays half the cost of the photographer and you can keep copies of the photos? Maybe I need to take that intelligence test you mentioned! lol

Well he did say he would not expect me to work for free and then said he would pay me £50, he did not come back with an answer for the other two questions so must still be trying to work out the who and where.

Sarah x x x
I get those offer /emails all the time and don't bother replying. First you have to ask yourself what kind of "boy/girl shoot" he is thinking of. Then , who is taking the photos ? You wan't see some work that the person has done before.

To me its , somebody wanting to meet girl (cheap) under the impression of doing a "lovely" photo shoot, paying next to nothing for it, getting photos and the company of a lovely girl .

If you want photos done, there are tons of professionals out there and you know what you get at the end of the day without "sharing your photo content" .

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I had someone local offering me a 'free sitting' and I would walk away with photos for use on my profile. I looked at his work which was ok, but nothing special and I've experience in the past of time with 'togs' amateur and pro without results.

What I therefore proposed is that he pay me my standard booking fees for time, then if any good I'd buy back the photos. He didn't like that idea.

A little later I got an email offering me an empty pub to use for my own photoshoot, own tog. I also turned that one down, not sure if he was charging for use of it but I don't offer pub meets, and have scaled down raucous social stuff so hardly fits my image.

What really gets me is the guys who make these offers often haven't read or thought about your 'branding', offer something completely unsuitable(for instance I'm quite safe, sound, quiet(well unless you do something you shouldn't) for those who might be a bit nervy or require discretion so having a studlike-looking blokey shagging me in my photos is not going to work).

Athletic, elegant, lingerie, kink and fetish indulger. Webcam, Chat, outcall focused to homes or hotels in the Barrow-in-furness, South Lakes area and beyond

As he was local and happy tp pay me £50 I would have been happy to do it, as long as it was my partner taking the photos.

Unfortunately he was unable to answer two of the three questions I asked him and on asking him to re-try he did not get back to me.

I have now blocked him from further contact.

Sarah x x x
(22-02-2013, 13:18)wife4rent Wrote: I would have been happy to do it, as long as it was my partner taking the photos.

I can't imagine he was looking for this kind of photo shoot, with your partner around .

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(22-02-2013, 13:39)wild1 Wrote:
(22-02-2013, 13:18)wife4rent Wrote: I would have been happy to do it, as long as it was my partner taking the photos.

I can't imagine he was looking for this kind of photo shoot, with your partner around .

I had not actually mentioned that to him...

Sarah x x x
The "meself" part would have given it away for me. That's 5 mins you wasted on reading, thinking about, and replying to his email.

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