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Valentines Day
For the first time in all the years I have worked as an escort I have never worked on Valentines day, but this year I will be working. I usually find it get busier around Valentines day, much like Xmas, many guys feel they deserve a treat.

I can understand single guys going with an escort but for a married guy it does seem a little odd, but guys do manage to separate the lust they have for a shag and then spend a romantic evening with the wife.

Sarah x x x
I've always worked Valentines - 'tis the season to get new lingerie bought for me!

Anyone who turns up here on Valentines day and doesn't bring me a gift goes on block! lol

(...only kidding! haha!)
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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I always end up webcamming on valentines, dispite it being my birthday. I've never really been big on going out to celebrate and being surrounded with loved up couples, cheesy music and hiked prices - call me Miss Grump
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lol, yeah me too not a big valentines fan............dont think i have every got a whole lot of valentines cards before, do i smell?

I will be working though in the daytime, just another bloody day.
We don't do Valentines' Day, our anniversary is two days later anyway so we normally do something then. I'll be at the office like normal on Valentines'. Big Grin
I plan to cam all v day I don't celebrate it anymore Sad
DirectIM for me that day,, or might dress up as a huge love heart and try my luck Big Grin
(11-02-2013, 12:01)Scotty_Hottie Wrote: We don't do Valentines' Day

We dont do any of the card holidays lol I've always worked it but have no memory of it being anything special or having any valentines themed bookings.
Stop Escorting Summer 2013 so Book while you still can!
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Who said romance was dead... LOL

Ok so yes it is a big rip off these days, you go out for a meal that costs you twice as much than it would the next night and the food is half as good as it is a set menu for the masses. That's the basis of commercialism!

I will be working this Thursday but it is the first time ever and there will be no romantic evening meal out after, but we are away for the week end, so should have a good time in Leeds as we are staying with family.

Sarah x x
(11-02-2013, 19:38)wife4rent Wrote: Who said romance was dead... LOL

Not dead at all, there is just nothing romantic about Valentines day Big Grin


Stop Escorting Summer 2013 so Book while you still can!
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