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1st booking with escort
Hey guys posting again as i dont think ALOT OF PEOPLE understood my previous post. Am thinking of booking an escort for the first time and was wondering how a booking went? whether its just sex or sex and general chit chat with the escort? got alot of critism from my previous posts saying that am not mature an thats why people didn't respond but I wasnt sure how a booking went so thats why i asked the questions I did in the way I did. So if anyone can tell me how a booking really goes i.e. what's involved, any tips or advice it would be good! and if any one can recommend escorts in the liverpool area that would be good too!

Cheers Smile
Hi Mick, seems not too much advice is forth coming ! I am an escort and I see many new clients as well as my regulars who usually have special requests for exactly what they like.
Most first timers and very nervous and some are even physically shaking when they arrive, but at least they arrived !!
I usually relax them, sit in the lounge, chat a little, offer drink, show them where the bathroom is and make them feel as though they are important (they are to me anyway). when the mood is a little less tense, I will usually start kissing them and then let my hand find its way to the right spot. usually that gets the right reaction and soon I offer a move to the bed room and strip for them and let the fun begin, there is never any pressure if they are not hard, thats just not an issue, just relax.
you will enjoy I promise.
Just a word of essential etiquette, offer her the agreed money straight away, dont wait to be asked for it and ALWAYS be clean and showered and smelling fresh, this makes a huge difference to how it all goes forward
xxxx have fun
Adultwork maggiebabes - The most exciting POST OP FEMALE ESCORT in the SOUTH
Okay... I'll bite Smile

Different girls work in different ways... decide what you are looking for, read the girls profiles, and then try to find a girl who sounds like she does what you want.

When a guy comes to see me, then unless he has specifically requested something else, he will basically get the last hour of a fantastic date! Haha!

Imagine: You've just taken a girl to dinner, maybe been on to a bar or a club after, then a taxi home to her place. The evening's gone really well and you've been chatting away all night and you just feel so comfortable together, completely relaxed and natural. She opens the door to her apartment and lets you inside. You take off your coat and your shoes (you're considerate like that, and she appreciates it! haha!) and sit yourself down on her big comfy sofa while she selects a little chill-out music and pours you both a drink. She sits next to you and looks deep into your eyes... her lips are glistening and cheeks flushed, eyes wide and pupils dilated. The lights are low but you can see the blood pulsing through that artery on her neck making the delicate gold chain of her necklace shimmer and as it moves in time to her beating heart. Her skin is pale, her breathing is soft and shallow... she puts one hand on your thigh and inches toward you slightly... you hesitate for a moment... your heart is racing... you can feel the sap rising inside of you.... you lean forward, nervous, expectant, heady with anticipation... your heart quickens... you close your eyes... you kiss her..............................

Nice wank dear?

Big Grin
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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Blimey trinny you have turned me on lol
Haha! Big Grin x
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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(08-02-2013, 10:59)maggiebabes Wrote: ALWAYS be clean and showered and smelling fresh

But please, please, PLEASE - DO NOT spray deodorant on your bits and bobs... smells lovely, tastes disgusting!

Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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I am feeling a little hot right now Trinity-Belle [Image: circling.gif]

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

OMG trinny, I'm making a booking next time I'm in Surrey.
find me on adultwork

Call me on, 07930693406 xx
Oh my word!

I think I might add that passage to my profile! Big Grin
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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