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What's worth watching on the telly tonight?
An on going thread for recommendations....

Tonight... 9:00pm, Film 4.... Braveheart.
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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Call 07856 061172
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Cbb Wink
CBB on here too!
Adultwork's Classy_Katy

On twitter @ClassyKatyxxx
Yep, CBB here too! Does anyone else find Rylan an annoying, shallow, twat or is it just me? Wink
i love rylan ..... i want him as a friend lol

can any of u experienced web cammers tell me is it jst me or is this week v v quiet espec last efew days or is that what happens last week of jan?

It's normal for it to be quiet this time of year. It'll pick up again in Feb. Smile
quiet for me extreme quiet i feel like a goon sittin here Smile lol

im going to follow you on twitter Smile


(25-01-2013, 00:18)Mistress_Babalon Wrote: It's normal for it to be quiet this time of year. It'll pick up again in Feb. Smile

Been ok for me.... just to play devil's advocate :p Was on IM & phone tho not cam. Theere is no set time for it to be quiet or busy, it's different for everyone.

Oooh tv recommendations.... def not cbb eww, how can you rot your brain with that crap? lol. I watched re-run of this week's mad fat diary, and a documentary on the ancient incans LOL lol.
Quite enjoyed the Death Row documentary myself. Can't beat a bit of Trevor.
Any recommendations for tonight... preferably ones which don't include CBB!
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
See me on AdultWork

Call 07856 061172
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