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Pillow Talk And The Price Of Potatoes
For those shoppers amongst us I am sure you have heard the news about the cost of our potatoes and how they will rise reported in the news recently.

This was not news for me, I have known of this problem for a while now. "Farmer Giles" a regular of mine with over 200 acres of potatoe fields has been telling me how bad it has been for a while. The information is not that usefull, potatoes are not really something you can go out and bulk buy to stock up on.

Whilst the above is of no use to anybody, have you heard any delicate info from people that are probably being indiscrete? I have heard various things from guys that I would not have thought they would have told me and some things that have been passed on as gossip from other girls thatthey have visited.

Is it really "Good to Talk"?

Sarah x x x

PS Probably best not to give out too much detail, we are not trying to get clients into trouble
The potato shortage is nothing-I believe there will be a sprout shortage at Xmas ExclamationExclamationExclamation
(14-10-2012, 20:36)wife4rent Wrote: ...have you heard any delicate info from people that are probably being indiscrete?

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